President Trump


Well-Known Member
Lol. What?

Van is the one rejecting the Steele dossier. I’m saying that if 62% of it has been corroborated (his number, not mine) then that’s pretty bad.

The only thing that’s pitiful here is your ability to follow the conversation.

OK, I'll play along. My memory is failing me so where did I say 62%?


Well-Known Member
Not sure. Where’s the quote you first quoted me at?
It was a response you gave to Monkey Butt, who said he believed 38% of the allegations were fake. Turns out it was all B.S.. The FBI went to the FISA court with a phony dossier that they new was uncorroborated because Bruce Ohr told them so. You have been preaching it as gospel fact for almost two years now and talking to us as naive simpletons because we didn't believe it. By the way Lisa Page said in her testimony that when the FBI started their investigation, that led to appointing Mueller, they had no real evidence. So this has all been bogus from the start. But hey, impeachment is a political process, who needs evidence?


Staff member
It was a response you gave to Monkey Butt, who said he believed 38% of the allegations were fake. Turns out it was all B.S.. The FBI went to the FISA court with a phony dossier that they new was uncorroborated because Bruce Ohr told them so. You have been preaching it as gospel fact for almost two years now and talking to us as naive simpletons because we didn't believe it. By the way Lisa Page said in her testimony that when the FBI started their investigation, that led to appointing Mueller, they had no real evidence. So this has all been bogus from the start. But hey, impeachment is a political process, who needs evidence?
I speak to you as a simpleton because you insist on acting like one.


Well-Known Member
It was a response you gave to Monkey Butt, who said he believed 38% of the allegations were fake. Turns out it was all B.S.. The FBI went to the FISA court with a phony dossier that they new was uncorroborated because Bruce Ohr told them so. You have been preaching it as gospel fact for almost two years now and talking to us as naive simpletons because we didn't believe it. By the way Lisa Page said in her testimony that when the FBI started their investigation, that led to appointing Mueller, they had no real evidence. So this has all been bogus from the start. But hey, impeachment is a political process, who needs evidence?

Man, you’re getting rolled.

What’s sad is that you actually believe what you’re saying.


Well-Known Member
What's sad is you ignore testimony given under oath by anti-Trump Democrats. The lies y'all repeat are so much more interesting, huh?

Neither party has a lock on selective-editing, both parties are equal-opportunity in terms which facts they choose to highlight/ignore.


Well-Known Member
Neither party has a lock on selective-editing, both parties are equal-opportunity in terms which facts they choose to highlight/ignore.
So tell me all the facts that we're ignoring about Russian collusion? Members of the DOJ and FBI loyal to Clinton tried to engineer a silent coup. Even bigger than Watergate and your complicit liberal media is trying to hide it. Can't let anything detract from the socialist agenda.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So tell me all the facts that we're ignoring about Russian collusion? Members of the DOJ and FBI loyal to Clinton tried to engineer a silent coup. Even bigger than Watergate and your complicit liberal media is trying to hide it. Can't let anything detract from the socialist agenda.
Lisa Page debunked this nonsense in her testimony with basic logic. If the investigation into Trump was for a coup, the FBI would have made it public before the election. The right wing fever dream breaks down immediately with the lack of a reasonable answer to that point.


Well-Known Member
Lisa Page debunked this nonsense in her testimony with basic logic. If the investigation into Trump was for a coup, the FBI would have made it public before the election. The right wing fever dream breaks down immediately with the lack of a reasonable answer to that point.
She did no such thing. The investigation was started after Trump won. The dossier was paid for by Clinton campaign funneled through a law office to Fusion GPS. After Trump won the FBI used that dossier in spite of being told it was unverified to get warrants to spy on Trump associates. That itself was illegal. To date Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr and about half a dozen others have been demoted then fired or they resigned in connection to this. Meanwhile y'all keep promoting Russian collusion and all kinds of misdeeds. Yep, y'all are so smart you've outsmarted yourselves. I hope Trump wins in 2020 for a number of reasons, and one is to watch y'all grind your teeth for 4 more years. Couldn't happen to nicer people.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
She did no such thing. The investigation was started after Trump won. The dossier was paid for by Clinton campaign funneled through a law office to Fusion GPS. After Trump won the FBI used that dossier in spite of being told it was unverified to get warrants to spy on Trump associates. That itself was illegal. To date Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr and about half a dozen others have been demoted then fired or they resigned in connection to this. Meanwhile y'all keep promoting Russian collusion and all kinds of misdeeds. Yep, y'all are so smart you've outsmarted yourselves. I hope Trump wins in 2020 for a number of reasons, and one is to watch y'all grind your teeth for 4 more years. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
None of that rambling nonsense answers why this deep state cabal made no mention of the investigation pre-election.


Well-Known Member
So 62% of the information that Steele got from the website has since been corroborated.

My previous statement stands.

Ive not seen anything in that report that was corroborated. Even Bruce Orr who got it from Nellie said it was nonsense.

what exactly did you think was corroborated?


Well-Known Member
Lol. What?

Van is the one rejecting the Steele dossier. I’m saying that if 62% of it has been corroborated (his number, not mine) then that’s pretty bad.

The only thing that’s pitiful here is your ability to follow the conversation.


you made it up. got it


Well-Known Member
None of that rambling nonsense answers why this deep state cabal made no mention of the investigation pre-election.
Reading comprehension failing you? They didn't start the investigation until after the election. The dossier was something separate that Clinton campaign paid for but was used later by FBI. And it was bogus.