President Trump


Engorged Member
He has them. You hate them.
And you are unable to separate that hate of the details from your personal hate for Trump.

OK. List them. How about the Republican Health Care Plan. Or the Mexican Border Closure, or all of his ideas to "improve" the environment by simply eliminating regulations on polluters and letting them self-regulate.

That will work. Not. Yes, I do hate Trump, but I'd hate him a lot less if he had some smart ideas. He doesn't. So, I'll keep hating him for the con man that he is.


Engorged Member
Holy mackerel, Batman! What’s this I’m just now hearing about Trump being a big liar?!!

Not to his base. I can recently recall his unidentified doctor reporting his unnatural orange color is due to "excellent genes". Trump's MO for over 40 years has been to lie about almost everything. His wealth, his grades, his height, his weight, connections etc. His family scammed the IRS for years, which has been proven, but isn't prosecutable due to the statute of limitations. Yesterday, his federal judge sister "retired" while under investigation, thereby ending said investigation.

A family of cons and grifters. And the faithful ignorant believe every word he says.


Well-Known Member