President Trump


Well-Known Member
Wow being a democrat is super easy. I don’t even have to google or learn anything. The government has all the answers and I just have to put my faith in it.
Not as easy the cuckservatives who blame everyone else and have faith their space God will fix everything.:happy2:

El Correcto

god is dead
Not as easy the cuckservatives who blame everyone else and have faith their space God will fix everything.:happy2:
Agreed comrade, I’m so sick of people promoting working. Why should I have to go to UPS every day? Capitalism is the modern day slavery, I should sit in my government housing, collect my government check every month and smoke government medicinal marijuana with my government healthcare while pursuing my dream of being a professional gamer. I’ll be much happier.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Agreed comrade, I’m so sick of people promoting working. Why should I have to go to UPS every day? Capitalism is the modern day slavery, I should sit in my government housing, collect my government check every month and smoke government medicinal marijuana with my government healthcare while pursuing my dream of being a professional gamer. I’ll be much happier.
Probably would be happier.


Well-Known Member
Do you people know anything? A "whistleblower", who happens to be a CIA officer, dislikes Trump so he reports on a phone conversation that he didn't even hear but others did, including the guys in the situation room who type the transcript. Nothing in the transcript, period, that in any way is impeachable. But that didn't stop the Dems from trying. Meanwhile Joe Biden is guilty of the very thing that Trump is accused of, pressuring a foreign government for personal gain. $600,000 a year to his son Hunter to sit on a board of a gas company when Hunter has no experience in oil and gas, or in Ukraine for that matter. And he got an even sweeter deal from China. All for being the son of the Vice-president. No corruption here, move along. That's what the Press is doing. Think Biden's Democrat rivals will let it go?


Well-Known Member
As if there’s any difference with Republicans.

Get real.

Happens every election.

In that sense, Donald is closest to Bernie in that he’s trying to do what he said he was going to do.

The fact that he’s failing isn’t the point, at least he’s consistent.

Trump has been talking about trade and ‘Gina and immigration for decades, got to hand him that.

It’s too bad he’s an idiot who doesn’t understand why he’s in trouble again.

God he whines like a b.
If Obama had the success Trump is having Democrats would be chiseling his face on Mt. Rushmore. But hey, it'll be that much sweeter when the "failure" gets reelected.