President Trump


Well-Known Member
President works out $100 bil arms deal with country who behead people, people happy because good for business.

Comedian holds up cutoff head for comedic effect and everyone looses their minds!

maybe the comedian needs to earn her keep. two more ass kissing posts for her and you get the secret decoder ring with the trump hair and fake blood.


golden ticket member
Kathy Griffin seems to now say she's a victim in the bloodied, beheaded Trump photoshoot, claiming the Trump fam has bullied her.

Griffin has been in hiding since TMZ broke the story of the now infamous photo shoot.

The comedian has hired attorney Lisa Bloom and will hold a news conference Friday, explaining her "true motivations" behind the shoot. According to Bloom, she will also lash out at the Prez, promising to talk about the "bullying from the Trump family she has endured."

President Trump blasted Griffin for traumatizing Barron and his other kids. Donald Jr. did the same.

We'll be live streaming the news conference at 9 AM PT


Well-Known Member
"First, she is a comedian and the comic has always pushed boundaries." (wkmac)

Comedians usually speak and have a punchline..........she's not a mime.

I stood for hours in line in Laguna Beach at the local book store for her autograph. Always watched her "My Life on the D-list" show. I used to really like her.........She blew it this time. She went too far. Jim Carey, Larry King and Al Franken want to give her a pass. There has to be a line and wherever that line is, she crossed it.

Crossed it? She blew past in on her way to oblivion.


golden ticket member
You may not like pop culture, but it's important to know who's who. Today, some job interviews include pop culture questions.