President Trump


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
This @Monkey Butt is what disgusting looks like. But hey, they're draining the swamp...
So who's traumatized more----Barron, or every 5 to 15 year old girl who heard this:

Drumpf: I did try and :censored2: her. She was married.

Drumpf: I moved on her like a buddyh. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony t*ts and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Drumpf: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Drumpf: Grab ’em by the p**y. You can do anything.Outraged... Yeah, right.
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Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Seriously this looks like the same shi- the left is doing. The hanging stuff has to stop. Just bad news.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Come on!!!
You know everything about Trump and his family.
It is rather obvious Barron is on the autism scale.
Show a little class.
According to google, that you claim to research before posting, there's nothing to support this. There's a bunch of speculation on Reddit and articles with the Trump family denying a diagnosis. Your indignation seems misplaced.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Was Kathy Griffin making a political statement or creating clickbait publicity?
If Kathy Griffin can get fired from CNN for holding up a fake decapitated head of Orange Trump, then why hasn't Sean Hannity been fired from Fox News for pulling an even worse stunt involving his holding up nightly the dead body of Seth Rich over the objections of Seth Rich's family?More should be outraged over the damage, the suffering being imposed on this suffering family, instead we are being misdirected to the Kathy Griffin, non controversy.


Staff member
If Kathy Griffin can get fired from CNN for holding up a fake decapitated head of Orange Trump, then why hasn't Sean Hannity been fired from Fox News for pulling an even worse stunt involving his holding up nightly the dead body of Seth Rich over the objections of Seth Rich's family?More should be outraged over the damage, the suffering being imposed on this suffering family, instead we are being misdirected to the Kathy Griffin, non controversy.
Is it because Fox only pretends to be ethical?


Well-Known Member
If Kathy Griffin can get fired from CNN for holding up a fake decapitated head of Orange Trump, then why hasn't Sean Hannity been fired from Fox News for pulling an even worse stunt involving his holding up nightly the dead body of Seth Rich over the objections of Seth Rich's family?More should be outraged over the damage, the suffering being imposed on this suffering family, instead we are being misdirected to the Kathy Griffin, non controversy.

What if all sides are playing misdirection games?


Well-Known Member
According to google, that you claim to research before posting, there's nothing to support this. There's a bunch of speculation on Reddit and articles with the Trump family denying a diagnosis. Your indignation seems misplaced.

hell you guys didn't need that much to start the Russian fairy tale.


Well-Known Member
If Kathy Griffin can get fired from CNN for holding up a fake decapitated head of Orange Trump, then why hasn't Sean Hannity been fired from Fox News for pulling an even worse stunt involving his holding up nightly the dead body of Seth Rich over the objections of Seth Rich's family?More should be outraged over the damage, the suffering being imposed on this suffering family, instead we are being misdirected to the Kathy Griffin, non controversy.

I have not seen anyone hold up the dead body of seth rich on Hannity do you have video?

In Seth's case there is a chance it was another Clinton Suicide , one of many that perhaps needs more attention then its gotten.