President Trump


Engorged Member

Public Citizen

Nov 15
Reminder: Witness intimidation — on its own — is an impeachable offense.
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Donald J. Trump
· Nov 15
Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.

First Amendment!! Free Speech!! Yeah, it was direct intimidation, except to a die-hard Trumper who gives him freedom to do and say anything.


Inordinately Right

Public Citizen

Nov 15
Reminder: Witness intimidation — on its own — is an impeachable offense.
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Donald J. Trump
· Nov 15
Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.
Only liberal snowflakes think that saying someone sucks at their job is intimidation.

Stop following these fools on Twitter.


Staff member
And you think your opinion about that, somehow makes Trump's differing opinion witness intimidation? Please, explain how that's witness intimidation. Get real.
No. I think that objective facts say that Trump’s opinion is based on things other than facts, so why smear her?


Engorged Member
Only liberal snowflakes think that saying someone sucks at their job is intimidation.

Stop following these fools on Twitter.

OK. Trump sucks at his job. Problem is, Fren, that using the office of the presidency to attack a witness during an impeachment proceeding is witness intimidation. I'm surprised Trump could be so stupid. Well, actually I'm not surprised at all.

Plus, I totally expect an Orange Snowflake like you to defend every single thing he does.


Inordinately Right
No. I think that objective facts say that Trump’s opinion is based on things other than facts, so why smear her?
What objective facts say that?
Once again, liberals like you confuse fact with opinion. The lady was garbage, and Trump is the only person who gets to decide who is an ambassador. Your opinion is worthless.

You have yet to explain how Trump stating his opinion is witness intimidation. You're just grasping at straws.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is no longer in office. Neither she, Obama, nor Comey, nor any of the other straw "criminals" Trump keeps talking about are in office either. All non-factors who did nothing. None were ever charged or ever will be. Remember, the GOP was in control for the entirety of Obama's last term.

It seems pretty evident that the real issue here is MONEY, as in controlling Ukrainian gas and oil. Parnas, Fruman, and Giuilani were plotting to gain control with the assistance of Team Trump. Investigating the Bidens was just a bonus.

The extortion/quid pro quo has been confirmed second-hand, but Trump has gagged anyone with first-hand knowledge from testifying. Pompeo, who is in hiding. Perry, who is also in hiding, and idiot Mulvaney. Wonder why they won't testify. Hmmm. They all know what was going on.

My guess is that Trump also stood to gain financially if Giuliani and Co. gained their objective(s), or perhaps access was in return for huge campaign donations by Parnas and Fruman through fake corporations they set-up. Unfortunately, there were some honest career diplomats standing in the way of a TREMENDOUS DEAL that would have garnered the Three Stooges millions, and also given Trump fake cover for his lies about the 2016 campaign and the Bidens.

It's only going to get worse for all of them. I can hardly wait.


Inordinately Right
Putting the money back in the bank after you rob it doesn't clear you, Fren. The criminality lies in withholding the funds in the first place for political gain, as in extortion.

The only obligation is to release the funds before year end.

Trump wanted the Ukrainian corruption that flourished under the Obama administration and Joe Biden to be reigned in and put to a stop.

You are trying to say Trump was corrupt to try and stop corruption. Liberal logic, as usual, is complete idiocy.


Engorged Member

The bottle is at least half-full, Fren. Parnas, whom Trump "doesn't know",wants to testify, probably aware he's heading to prison otherwise. Parnas met with Trump numerous times, so one has to wonder who was giving him marching orders besides Rudy.

It's all about Ukrainian gas and oil. Just ask Rick Perry. Oh, you can't. Maybe Mike Pompeo can fill you in. Ooops. Sorry, Mike isn't taking calls right now.

Follow da' money, Fren.
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Engorged Member
The only obligation is to release the funds before year end.

Trump wanted the Ukrainian corruption that flourished under the Obama administration and Joe Biden to be reigned in and put to a stop.

You are trying to say Trump was corrupt to try and stop corruption. Liberal logic, as usual, is complete idiocy.

Sorry, but no. The crime is the extortion and attempt to extract dirt, not some deadline. He could have given the money 30 seconds after the request and it would still be a crime.

Adjust your tinfoil hat toward Venus.


Engorged Member
He used Twitter to express his opinion.
Your feigned outrage is laughable.
You are desperate and pathetic.

Yeah. He's only your president, and his opinion doesn't matter, especially when the accusations involve him. Remember Campaign Trump. Yeah, the one spreading the lie that Obama was a Muslim, the one who appeared on Alex Jones, and talked about grabbing "cats" because he was a celebutard and got to do that.

He's so honest, and intimidating a witness during an impeachment hearing (that he wasn't even watching) is totally OK.