President Trump


Well-Known Member
FOX coverage recorded a great Trump victory today. In the real world, he was humiliated multiple times and further weakened.

This is like a really long long episode of Colombo. You watch Trump commit the crime(s), and then Peter Falk "fumbles" around looking like he doesn't have a clue. In the meantime, he's building rock solid proof of guilt on the basis of observations made very early in the case. It's just an act to draw out the perpetrator.

Trump won't even be on the ballot by November because he will have resigned. He's the worst president ever, and nothing but a crooked con man.

Good thing for him that about 40% of Americans are pure idiots. Like you, for example.

after supporting hillary you're suddenly concerned about crooked politicians


Engorged Member
after sup porting hillary you're suddenly concerned about crooked politicians

Hillary is no longer in office. Neither she, Obama, nor Comey, nor any of the other straw "criminals" Trump keeps talking about are in office either. All non-factors who did nothing. None were ever charged or ever will be. Remember, the GOP was in control for the entirety of Obama's last term.

It seems pretty evident that the real issue here is MONEY, as in controlling Ukrainian gas and oil. Parnas, Fruman, and Giuilani were plotting to gain control with the assistance of Team Trump. Investigating the Bidens was just a bonus.

The extortion/quid pro quo has been confirmed second-hand, but Trump has gagged anyone with first-hand knowledge from testifying. Pompeo, who is in hiding. Perry, who is also in hiding, and idiot Mulvaney. Wonder why they won't testify. Hmmm. They all know what was going on.

My guess is that Trump also stood to gain financially if Giuliani and Co. gained their objective(s), or perhaps access was in return for huge campaign donations by Parnas and Fruman through fake corporations they set-up. Unfortunately, there were some honest career diplomats standing in the way of a TREMENDOUS DEAL that would have garnered the Three Stooges millions, and also given Trump fake cover for his lies about the 2016 campaign and the Bidens.

It's only going to get worse for all of them. I can hardly wait.


Well-Known Member
FOX coverage recorded a great Trump victory today. In the real world, he was humiliated multiple times and further weakened.

This is like a really long long episode of Colombo. You watch Trump commit the crime(s), and then Peter Falk "fumbles" around looking like he doesn't have a clue. In the meantime, he's building rock solid proof of guilt on the basis of observations made very early in the case. It's just an act to draw out the perpetrator.

Trump won't even be on the ballot by November because he will have resigned. He's the worst president ever, and nothing but a crooked con man.

Good thing for him that about 40% of Americans are pure idiots. Like you, for example.
What exactly has he done again? The impeachment seems to be going badly for the Democrats. So far no one has cited knowledge of an actual crime. It's all been hearsay.


Staff member
And which witnesses have stated they have actual knowledge of him bribing anyone?



Well-Known Member
And if no one says “quid pro quo” it ant be one.
Ultimately after all witnesses are presented if no actual evidence comes forth the Democrats are going to have to vote on still impeaching Trump. Those who won red districts in 2018 might be leery of voting for impeachment. If so Pelosi, Schiff, et al are going to look seriously bad if they don't win. Possibly Pelosi might actually try to pass some meaningful legislation before next November in an effort to save face. If the Dems get impeachment passed the Republicans are going to have a field day in the Senate. It's an actual trial at that point, with actual due process. And completely out of the Dems hands to control.


Engorged Member
What exactly has he done again? The impeachment seems to be going badly for the Democrats. So far no one has cited knowledge of an actual crime. It's all been hearsay.

Bribery, extortion (aka quid pro), violation of the Emoluments Clause and Tax Evasion for starters. The last 2 aren't included in the current investigation, but we'll get to them if needed.

Are you really this blind?


Engorged Member
You need to look up the definition of bribe fren, you got nothing.

Fren, you're pretending your boy is innocent. He's a complete dirtbag. One of days you'll figure it out. Umm...maybe not. You seem like a brick, so maybe you'll always defend his criminality.

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Inordinately Right
Fren, you're pretending your boy is innocent. He's a complete dirtbag. One of days you'll figure it out. Umm...maybe not. You seem like a brick, so maybe you'll always defend his criminality.

Fren, Trump is your president.
You got nothing on him or he would be out already. You snowflakes are just pathetic at this point.
