President Trump


Well-Known Member
Bribery, extortion (aka quid pro), violation of the Emoluments Clause and Tax Evasion for starters. The last 2 aren't included in the current investigation, but we'll get to them if needed.

Are you really this blind?
Until witnesses and evidence are produced in court to corroborate your claims I'm as blind as a bat. So far in the impeachment inquiry no evidence of a crime, no fact witness testimony, has been produced.


Engorged Member
Until witnesses and evidence are produced in court to corroborate your claims I'm as blind as a bat. So far in the impeachment inquiry no evidence of a crime, no fact witness testimony, has been produced.

Dear Brick,
Trump is not allowing the first-hand witnesses to testify. Just add some more Obstruction of Justice to the existing charges.



Well-Known Member
It seems that according to the first sentence of the definition in Blacks Law Dictionary, that is exactly why bribery is.

I think the difference here is that person or persons being asked to do the favor had no idea that he was due to receive military aid and that he was being asked to help out in exchange for that aid, which he was going to get whether he helped out or not?

Was it just a coincidence that Trump chose to test a newbie? Do you think he would have tried to pull this crap with a seasoned political leader?


Inordinately Right
It seems that according to the first sentence of the definition in Blacks Law Dictionary, that is exactly why bribery is.
You need to read your link again:
With regard to governmental operations, essentially, bribery is "Corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action."

There was nothing corrupt about what Trump asked.


Staff member
I think the difference here is that person or persons being asked to do the favor had no idea that he was due to receive military aid and that he was being asked to help out in exchange for that aid, which he was going to get whether he helped out or not?

Was it just a coincidence that Trump chose to test a newbie? Do you think he would have tried to pull this crap with a seasoned political leader?
I think that’s a stretch.

Congress appropriated the money. The whole world knew it was there.

During a 55 day delay, Trump asks “for a favor”.

Two days after the whistleblower comes forward, the money is released.

How long would the Ukrainian President have waited before he asked more questions about when the money was coming? Did Giuliani make it clear what was expected bec it doesn’t seem the state department had any holds on the money.


Engorged Member
You mean in the Shiffhole meetings?

The Schiffhole is in the White House tweeting insults...because he is very afraid. I look at the way Bretbart and FOX characterize the hearings and then I look at the facts, which add-up to a corrupt president and administration.

Trump has always been a liar and crook. He's just president now, and doing his same old act.

None of you see it. Can I interest you in a Yugo franchise?


Inordinately Right
Two days after the whistleblower comes forward, the money is released.
Eric Ciaramella, who worked on US Ukrainian relations under Joe Biden, claims to be a whistleblower when he finds out the corruption he was a part of might be investigated at Trump's request.

Ya, nothing to see here.


Engorged Member
Trump released the money before the fiscal year end fulfilling his legal obligation of the congressionally appropriated funds.

No wrongdoing.

Putting the money back in the bank after you rob it doesn't clear you, Fren. The criminality lies in withholding the funds in the first place for political gain, as in extortion.



Well-Known Member

Thom Hartmann

Nov 15
Poor Grifter Don. His fellow grifters are going down one after the other, and he lives in fear that they'll flip on him like Michael Cohen did. Discussions of pardons will no doubt follow soon.
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Donald J. Trump
· Nov 15
So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all of the others, including even Mueller himself? Didn’t they lie?....


Well-Known Member

Public Citizen

Nov 15
Reminder: Witness intimidation — on its own — is an impeachable offense.
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Donald J. Trump
· Nov 15
Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.