President Trump


Engorged Member
The witnesses are not "first hand" and the ones who are presume a lot!! I felt, I presumed, I assumed are all ways of saying "I don't know."

Pompeo, Perry, Mulvaney, and Bolton are just 4 of the first-hand witnesses NOT allowed to testify by the White House.

How can anybody be so oblivious?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Impeachments are like warning letters at ups.

Payback to a future Dem president will be hell.
Or this could be payback for the Impeachment of Bill Clinton which was even less believable than Trump's Impeachment charges ... whatever they may be.
Do we even know what the DemWits are going to charge Trump with yet?


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Pompeo, Perry, Mulvaney, and Bolton are just 4 of the first-hand witnesses NOT allowed to testify by the White House.

How can anybody be so oblivious?

The president has no rights to defend himself, no rights to reference all testimony, no rights to face the whistleblower, nor call all his witnesses. How can anyone be so oblivious?