President Trump


Engorged Member
At the rate it's going, new charges could possibly be added at any time. There really is no limit to Donnie's corruptness.

Yep. I think the whole inner circle could be indicted soon. Giuliani and Perry seem linked way too close to the hit job on the former Ukranian ambassador. Parnas and Fruman are all part of the scheme.

Who oversaw the whole thing?

Trumpski...Putin's Pet. What does Putin do about Donnie when he becomes a liability asset?

That point seems to be rapidly approaching. Don't be going outside too much Komrade Trump. FSB not be happy if you no help Putin.

Accidentski happenski.
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Engorged Member
The president has no rights to defend himself, no rights to reference all testimony, no rights to face the whistleblower, nor call all his witnesses. How can anyone be so oblivious?

A flat out lie. Trump could have testified at any time, or had any of his subordinates testify. He banned them from testifying and chose not defend himself. Instead, he left that up to Nunes and Jordan, who continuously went back and covered old, dead issues that have already been found to be zero.

The whistleblower is protected by law.

The problem with a house of cards is that it takes only 1 card to bring the whole house down. My guess is Bolton, but it could be almost anyone at this point. Rudy? Parnas?

This investigation has opened the door to so much more.


Inordinately Right
A flat out lie. Trump could have testified at any time, or had any of his subordinates testify. He banned them from testifying and chose not defend himself. Instead, he left that up to Nunes and Jordan, who continuously went back and covered old, dead issues that have already been found to be zero.

The whistleblower is protected by law.

The problem with a house of cards is that it takes only 1 card to bring the whole house down. My guess is Bolton, but it could be almost anyone at this point. Rudy? Parnas?

This investigation has opened the door to so much more.


Engorged Member
4D Chess.

Everyone is a part of the scheme, but the scheme is to fool the Dems into this nonsense.

It’s reverse-reverse-reverse psychology.

Trump is playing ‘em like a fiddle, all right!

Yep, 4D. It's kind of like the 3-level chess Spock played on Star Trek, except way more advanced. Stable genius level.

The 4th dimension is constant panic attacks caused by the stress of trying to pretend you're not guilty.

Maybe Trump should have had Prince Andrew testify as a character witness.
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Well-Known Member

my buddy told me that he heard from this fella that his lawn care guy overheard one of his clients say trump may be in trouble.

dems are saying they can piece together a bunch of second hand conversations, overheard conversations and speculation into proof.

the republicans say you only have one direct conversation with trump and he said no quid pro quo

both sides are accusing each other of selective presentation of evidence.

none of this would stand up five minutes in a real courtroom.

Missing in all the political nonsense debate is the arrest of the head of burisma this week. If the Ukrainians are seriously investigating that company then hunter biden is probably in trouble.

joe will claim senility and dodge it somehow. He may have to run around in his depends a few times to convince everyone but he's not that far from doing so now.

the sad thing is our tax dollars are paying for all this nonsense


golden ticket member
my buddy told me that he heard from this fella that his lawn care guy overheard one of his clients say trump may be in trouble.

dems are saying they can piece together a bunch of second hand conversations, overheard conversations and speculation into proof.

the republicans say you only have one direct conversation with trump and he said no quid pro quo

both sides are accusing each other of selective presentation of evidence.

none of this would stand up five minutes in a real courtroom.

Missing in all the political nonsense debate is the arrest of the head of burisma this week. If the Ukrainians are seriously investigating that company then hunter biden is probably in trouble.

joe will claim senility and dodge it somehow. He may have to run around in his depends a few times to convince everyone but he's not that far from doing so now.

the sad thing is our tax dollars are paying for all this nonsense
Tax dollars are wasted and "the people's business" is not being the USMCA, health costs, infrastructure, etc.


Well-Known Member