President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.


Man of Great Wisdom
...lowest unemployment among blacks ever......Hispanics too. Wages up.....taxes down.....401's are better. Yeah, when winning your whining is funny!!
Pay attention. What I meant was why wasn't infrastructure, health costs and USMCA etc. taken care of when repugs were in charge?


Baby daddy has had a rough week.

“A DNA test confirmed that Hunter Biden is the father of a baby in Arkansas that he has denied having, says a court filing first reported by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.”

A DNA test revealed Hunter Biden fathered a baby with another woman while he was dating his brother's widow
The baby's first pic.


Engorged Member



Halooo!! My name iz Lev Parnas an prezidente Trump is knowing me many times. Yes, at golf course, and many dinner times where we talked about Ukriane and making big moneys on the gas at Burisma. I give much monies with Fruman to Trump so he be president!! We make phony company to do this for him, great leader!

We agree to blame Bidens and get rid of nasty ambassador lady so our plan go very well. Mr. Trump be very happy and he tell me to have Rudy make it all happen. Now, Trump say he never know me or Fruman!! That make me so mad and very hot in head!

Trump is bad man and big liar, so I tell on him so he go to jail and have cellmate named Tyrone who beat crap out of him every day.

That make Lev so happy.
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