President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The Fake New York Times says it isn't all that. In the meantime we are beginning to see how dirty this administration is. They are all mobbed up, every one of them.

In fairness, the NYT has become completely one-sided in its news reporting. Will just have to see how things look on 12/9.


golden ticket member
Bless your heart.

The Fake New York Times says it isn't all that. In the meantime we are beginning to see how dirty this administration is. They are all mobbed up, every one of them.
Bless your heart for thinking this is the first administration that had any garbage in it...…..being accused and being in jail are different'll see the difference if Clapper gets his orange jump suit.


Well-Known Member
Halooo!! My name iz Lev Parnas an prezidente Trump is knowing me many times. Yes, at golf course, and many dinner times where we talked about Ukriane and making big moneys on the gas at Burisma. I give much monies with Fruman to Trump so he be president!! We make phony company to do this for him, great leader!

We agree to blame Bidens and get rid of nasty ambassador lady so our plan go very well. Mr. Trump be very happy and he tell me to have Rudy make it all happen. Now, Trump say he never know me or Fruman!! That make me so mad and very hot in head!

Trump is bad man and big liar, so I tell on him so he go to jail and have cellmate named Tyrone who beat crap out of him every day.

That make Lev so happy.
crazy man.gif


Well-Known Member
Bless your heart for thinking this is the first administration that had any garbage in it...…..being accused and being in jail are different'll see the difference if Clapper gets his orange jump suit.

and will ignore and deny it. wait a minute we might see the dems try to suddenly make a deep state argument against the repubs.


Engorged Member
remember when the radio show called shifty schiff and said they had info on trump

Nunes is latched on to Trump like a leech. It's pretty obvious he's a lap dog, yet he was allowed to head the Intelligence Committee.

No problem when he went straight to the White House with confidential materials. Corrupt to the core, just like his Orange Hero.

A great liar and asset to Russia.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Nunes is latched on to Trump like a leech. It's pretty obvious he's a lap dog, yet he was allowed to head the Intelligence Committee.

No problem when he went straight to the White House with confidential materials. Corrupt to the core, just like his Orange Hero.

A great liar and asset to Russia.
do you know how schiff won his very first term in congress. the guy he beat was the same person who led the charge of impeachment against clinton


Staff member
A corrupt Ukraine that the Democrats were involved with. Quid Pro Joe and his criminal drug addict son using foreign aid to extort lucrative positions. Slimeballs.
Seriously. What happened to you?

I have never seen someone go so hard from somewhat middle of the road to hard right Trump lover.

You sure you’re not a Russian bot?