President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
No ...
The American justice system guarantees the accused the right to meet and question the accuser.

The only questions the Republicans would have for him would circle around his political allegiances and who he worked for.

The facts of his complaint have already been corroborated by multiple witnesses.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
You did not answer the question.

Is investigating corruption impeachable? Democrats seem to think it is.

Ambassador Sondland said Trump doesn't 'give a s---' about Ukraine except when it benefits him personally, official testifies

“The US' ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, told US officials that President Donald Trump "doesn't give a :censored2:" about Ukraine and only cares about the "big stuff" - like the country announcing a probe into his Democratic presidential rival, Joe Biden.”


Inordinately Right
If he were investigating corruption it would be a wide open investigation overall. He wanted a political hit job on Biden. Clearly something completely different.
He was pushing wider investigations involving more than Biden. That's a fact the liberal garbage you watch must not have told you.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
Help me understand why the whistleblower needs to testify publicly if his complaint has been corroborated as true by testimony from firsthand witnesses who were in on Trump’s Ukraine calls.
That's just it, it hasn't corroborated by anyone firsthand. And most of what the whistleblower said Trump said wasn't in the transcript.