President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
It's a fact, it's why they're ticked off. Your white master Rachel Maddow didn't tell you that I'm sure
But it’s too hard to spend 2% of your gdp on defense when you’re underwater in socialism even though the US also does most the heavy lifting when it comes to global healthcare prices.

God Europe is a blight on humanity, the smart people left that :censored2:hole.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Twist my words if you like, fren.

Obama: Smart/WINNER

Trump: Idiot/LOSER

The NATO leaders "get it". Trump is a nothing in a fancy suit.
After watching/listening to the Constipated Experts today, it became obvious that Obama should have been impeached.
He put his personal need to be liked by everyone above the security and goals of the USA!


Engorged Member
After watching/listening to the Constipated Experts today, it became obvious that Obama should have been impeached.
He put his personal need to be liked by everyone above the security and goals of the USA!

Sure. He'd answer you, but he's in Kenya plotting a Islamic overthrow of the government and the enforcement of Shariah Law.

Obama: Great president

Trump: Chump


Well-Known Member

yea one minute he's anti environment the next minute he's mocked for coming up with a practical way to save water.

I think it came up because he just got back from Europe. they have a different type of toilet that does the job in one try. ours need about 10 flushes to clear out a good dump. not a pleasant topic but none the less a relevant point.


Well-Known Member
yea one minute he's anti environment the next minute he's mocked for coming up with a practical way to save water.

I think it came up because he just got back from Europe. they have a different type of toilet that does the job in one try. ours need about 10 flushes to clear out a good dump. not a pleasant topic but none the less a relevant point.

No, we have those toilets here.

Trump is just a dumb-ass.


Well-Known Member
He’s gonna be our dumb-ass President through January, 2025 if the Democrats don’t step up their game.

Sure, but it goes in the Trump Kool-Aid file when his supporters are defending him about toilets.

I mean, get a grip.

Trumpatistas hate Europe, except this one time when Europe has 'special' toilets the likes of which the USA has never seen.

Get :censored2: real.


Inordinately Right
“you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down — it's called rain “
Owning the environmentalists with facts and logic.
Trump must have been watching King of the Hill reruns, Hank Hill fought these needless regulations and won years ago.

Hank Hill vs. the Bureaucrats
"Hank's powerlessnessa against his local government is quite reflective of American politics."



Staff member
yea one minute he's anti environment the next minute he's mocked for coming up with a practical way to save water.

I think it came up because he just got back from Europe. they have a different type of toilet that does the job in one try. ours need about 10 flushes to clear out a good dump. not a pleasant topic but none the less a relevant point.

I regularly drop huge deuces and only flush once.

Who the friend flushes 10 times?