President Trump


Well-Known Member

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
yea one minute he's anti environment the next minute he's mocked for coming up with a practical way to save water.

I think it came up because he just got back from Europe. they have a different type of toilet that does the job in one try. ours need about 10 flushes to clear out a good dump. not a pleasant topic but none the less a relevant point.
I’ve got the old style toilets in my home ... over 3 gallons per flush.


Engorged Member
Which is why old toilets with bigger flushes are golden.

False economy to have low flush toilets if you have to flush twice (or 3 times).

How many flushes does it take to get rid of a Trump in the toilet? Orange, gooey, smells really bad so you want it gone fast.


Inordinately Right
But the Conservative party in this country has committed suicide.
Democrats are on video supporting free healthcare and college for illegal immigrants. They go too lgbtqxyz town halls and praise parents giving hormone suppressing medication to children to prevent puberty. They back post birth abortion. They spend all their time virtue signaling and calling the majority of Americans racist.

Do you idiots want to lose the election? FFS, you can't beat Donald Trump of all people, pathetic.