President Trump


Staff member
The outrage is watching Democrats who couldn't handle losing trying everything possible for the last three years to undo an election. In spite of that the man you live to hate has made the economy better and the country stronger. Deal with it.
You want me to ignore racism and incompetence for the sake of a few more dollars?
Oh. You think I should become a republican. No thank you.


Engorged Member
Maybe. He does have his facts correct though. Iran has missiles before Obama. They had missiles after they signed the deal. They had missiles after Trump took office. They didn’t buy missiles with money Obama afforded them.

And let’s be honest. Racially charged rhetoric works for the president. You know it. I know it. He knows it. Does that make his supporters racist? No. It should make them uneasy and they probably shouldn’t dismiss it as “nothing”.

Nor should you dismiss Capeheart bringing up such events. Trump is the derangement. He is what is abnormal. And for some, sanctioning that abnormality as normal is dangerous. Probably the Republican Party in the long run.

I think Trump is the death knell for the GOP. Eventually, the Republicans are going to have to try and distance themselves from the Trump disaster, and they won't be able to, because they have embraced him and defend him no matter what.

Trump is masterful at racist rhetoric that gives his Alt Right base encouragement, but is still vague enough to provide plausible deniability. Scapegoating minorities is a winning strategy with Trump's base, and he knows it and behaves accordingly.

The new "normal" is abnormal, and Trump is the derangement, as you astutely pointed out. We have a strongly divided country and a lying, demagogue president who exacerbates those divisions for personal political gain.

He's an atrocity, and needs to


Well-Known Member
You want me to ignore racism and incompetence for the sake of a few more dollars?
Oh. You think I should become a republican. No thank you.
Prison reform that benefits blacks is racism? Job creation that has resulted in the lowest black, Latino unemployment ever is racism?


Well-Known Member
I think Trump is the death knell for the GOP. Eventually, the Republicans are going to have to try and distance themselves from the Trump disaster, and they won't be able to, because they have embraced him and defend him no matter what.

Trump is masterful at racist rhetoric that gives his Alt Right base encouragement, but is still vague enough to provide plausible deniability. Scapegoating minorities is a winning strategy with Trump's base, and he knows it and behaves accordingly.

The new "normal" is abnormal, and Trump is the derangement, as you astutely pointed out. We have a strongly divided country and a lying, demagogue president who exacerbates those divisions for personal political gain.

He's an atrocity, and needs to
Where's the racism, the scapegoating MrBSer?


Staff member
People might not like Trump but they also won’t vote to eat what the Democrats are dishing out.
You say that a lot. The problem with it is that there doesn’t have to be a huge swing in only a few states for you to be wrong. You could very well see a 2 point swing in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida and others. Democrats wouldn’t even have to be excited about their candidate or their proposals. We’re a very closely divided country.


Well-Known Member
A rising tide lifts all boats. I don't see Trump working to just benefit the white race. What I do see is a significant percentage of African Americans are now supporting Trump because they see him making real improvements in the quality of their lives. Who gets incarcerated more than blacks as a percentage of their population? Trump pushed through prison reform that has had a huge positive impact for blacks. Why didn't Obama? Why didn't Democrats? People are tired of the identity politics Democrats roll out every election. They want results, they want opportunities. When Democrats learn that they might win the presidency back.
Significant percentage? You've been sniffing glue again, haven't you?:happy2:


Engorged Member
Where's the racism, the scapegoating MrBSer?

You are a true apologist. Many times the racism is code. Other times it's legislative, as in the Travel Ban or The (stupid) Wall. For the usual suspects, it has to be clearly spelled out as in "WHAT I AM SAYING IS RACIST", but the rest of us can easily read between the lines.

Yes, you are ignorant. The "30% increase" among Black voters seals that. I'm incredulous that you believe Trump has growing Black support. Jesus, they have to pay the ONE Black person who shows up at pre-screened Trump rallies to be there holding the "I'm A Fool Oreo" sign.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Rasmussen in July had black support as high as 34%. Was a +/-9 poll but still. I remember when SNL had a skit where the guy said black support for Obama had fallen to a troubling 93%, LOL.

“Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp.”

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump


Inordinately Right
Losing even a low percentage of black votes is devastating for Democrats. Democrats don't realize blacks, especially Christians, don't accept the virtue signaling transgendered children and abortion on demand that the demwit extremists are pushing.

They also don't understand that Hispanics know open borders brings in drugs, gangs, and crimes that they came here to escape. Not to mention Venezuelans and Cubans know very well the end game of the socialism the Democrats are pushing.