President Trump


Well-Known Member
You are a true apologist. Many times the racism is code. Other times it's legislative, as in the Travel Ban or The (stupid) Wall. For the usual suspects, it has to be clearly spelled out as in "WHAT I AM SAYING IS RACIST", but the rest of us can easily read between the lines.

Yes, you are ignorant. The "30% increase" among Black voters seals that. I'm incredulous that you believe Trump has growing Black support. Jesus, they have to pay the ONE Black person who shows up at pre-screened Trump rallies to be there holding the "I'm A Fool Oreo" sign.

yes because now that there are no clear examples of racism manufactoring examples is all the dems have.

your argument actually displays the ignorance of the white liberal. You think you can keep the blacks on the democratic plantation with implied dog whistles.
the problem for you is blacks are not as dumb as you and many see through your nonsense.


Staff member
Indeed. Many are as conservative as they come, culturally. Same for Hispanics.
But conservatives, many around here in fact, consistently make racist remarks about blacks and Hispanics. Don’t believe me? Try this recent and common phrase on BC: “Oh, look. One of Obama’s kids again!”
Sorry folks. That’s not winning you any voters in any minority. And yes, it’s racist.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
But conservatives, many around here in fact, consistently make racist remarks about blacks and Hispanics. Don’t believe me? Try this recent and common phrase on BC: “Oh, look. One of Obama’s kids again!”
Sorry folks. That’s not winning you any voters in any minority. And yes, it’s racist.

Agree 100%. But as the Democrats keep moving left, more blacks are likely to overlook the race-obsessed Republican minority in order to preserve their more conservative cultural identity.


nowhere special
Any time Obama is criticized its automatically racist. Even when its not. Almost always its about his liberal policies and has nothing to do with race. Except to racists who filter everything through their own prejudices.


Engorged Member
Losing even a low percentage of black votes is devastating for Democrats. Democrats don't realize blacks, especially Christians, don't accept the virtue signaling transgendered children and abortion on demand that the demwit extremists are pushing.

They also don't understand that Hispanics know open borders brings in drugs, gangs, and crimes that they came here to escape. Not to mention Venezuelans and Cubans know very well the end game of the socialism the Democrats are pushing.

You're really stuck on the transgender deal, aren't you? Why? Tiny portion of the population and an issue only for Neanderthals that think people who don't identify as simply M or friend are faking.

Huge support for Trump from Mexicans and Blacks. Almost 100%.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump appoints former UPS Manager as head of Small Business Administration.
For you LibTurds ... she is Hispanic.

Jovita was respected as a hard-nosed manager of the Central Florida district when I knew her.
My observation was she was very sharp and not to be BSed ... she knew the business very well.
I thought she would be the UPS CEO one day but she chose a different career path.

Jovita Carranza.jpg


Engorged Member
Trump appoints former UPS Manager as head of Small Business Administration.
For you LibTurds ... she is Hispanic.

Jovita was respected as a hard-nosed manager of the Central Florida district when I knew her.
My observation was she was very sharp and not to be BSed ... she knew the business very well.
I thought she would be the UPS CEO one day but she chose a different career path.

View attachment 279283

This proves Trump isn't racist?


Well-Known Member
You are a true apologist. Many times the racism is code. Other times it's legislative, as in the Travel Ban or The (stupid) Wall. For the usual suspects, it has to be clearly spelled out as in "WHAT I AM SAYING IS RACIST", but the rest of us can easily read between the lines.

Yes, you are ignorant. The "30% increase" among Black voters seals that. I'm incredulous that you believe Trump has growing Black support. Jesus, they have to pay the ONE Black person who shows up at pre-screened Trump rallies to be there holding the "I'm A Fool Oreo" sign.
OK, tell me what he says that is code? The thing is guys like you see a racist behind every tree. Odd thing but Democrats have become the party of Wall Street and illegal immigration. They've left the working class and blacks behind. And don't think it isn't noticed.


Well-Known Member
“Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp.”

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump
Will be interesting to see how the voting goes.


Well-Known Member
But conservatives, many around here in fact, consistently make racist remarks about blacks and Hispanics. Don’t believe me? Try this recent and common phrase on BC: “Oh, look. One of Obama’s kids again!”
Sorry folks. That’s not winning you any voters in any minority. And yes, it’s racist.
By your standard anything conservatives say can be turned into racism. I like vanilla ice cream. RACIST!


Engorged Member
OK, tell me what he says that is code? The thing is guys like you see a racist behind every tree. Odd thing but Democrats have become the party of Wall Street and illegal immigration. They've left the working class and blacks behind. And don't think it isn't noticed.

Yep, we're all racists. We give out nods to Q-Anon, appear on The Alex Jones Show, and hate America. In actuality, we ARE the working class (unions, blue collar labor) and not the elitist 1%, who are overwhelmingly Republican. Blacks and minorities only matter to the GOP at election time. You know, a recent Rasmussen Poll shows Hispanics support the wall at over 80% and nearly all Blacks want Trump to have 3 terms because they love him so much.

Remember Trump's campaign promises to rebuild the inner cities? Zero. Infrastructure? Zero. All Democratic legislation goes to the Senate, where McConnell lets it die.

Trump's "code" is pretty clear if you can read between the lines, so apparently you're blind.