President Trump

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
But what I really think is you’re looking for an excuse strong enough to vote for Trump even though you know he’s a horrible individual and terrible for the republic.

I simply wouldn’t vote for a hard leftist. I won’t contribute toward enabling some of the crazy :censored2: they’re proposing.

I just want common sense stuff. Border security, restoration of the EPA and environmental protections, better ways for people to get actual healthcare and not just insurance plans with sky high deductibles, etc. My list of desirables is long, but its items never stray so far to the left that they could never actually happen on a national scale.

It’ll be disappointing to me if Trump wins in a landslide in November because the Democrats couldn’t pull back on the TDS stick and crashed their plane.

El Correcto

god is dead

Me waiting for the second term fallout.


Staff member
I simply wouldn’t vote for a hard leftist. I won’t contribute toward enabling some of the crazy :censored2: they’re proposing.

I just want common sense stuff. Border security, restoration of the EPA and environmental protections, better ways for people to get actual healthcare and not just insurance plans with sky high deductibles, etc. My list of desirables is long, but its items never stray so far to the left that they could never actually happen on a national scale.

It’ll be disappointing to me if Trump wins in a landslide in November because the Democrats couldn’t pull back on the TDS stick and crashed their plane.
You won’t contribute to the left crazy but you’ll contribute to the right crazy.

That’s crazy.


Staff member
Which part of what I said is contributing to the right crazy?
You insisted that you wouldn’t contribute to the crazy left and yet you seem ok with the status quo in it’s stead. I’m not sure that there’s a Democrat running conservative enough for you. Your TDS has you seeing TDS at every turn. You’ve talked yourself into tacit support of the crazy right even though you know that the things you say you support are in the crosshairs of Trump if he wins a second term. You know he wants to kill Obamacare. You know he wants to neuter the EPA. He doesn’t try to hide anything. But you’ll burn it all on the alter of Trump’s Republican Cathedral to defend against the specter of a socialism that doesn’t even exist. How easy is it for you to disregard the stated desires of a president and his rubber stamp congress? Or will you just blame the democrats when Trump sets fire to the things you claim to want?


Inordinately Right
The GAO disagrees.
I read their opinion and it's just plain stupid.

Pages of beurocratic blabbering about procedural rules for Congressional appropriations explaining that Trump has to release the funds.

....and buried in one sentence on page three is this little gem:
"The appropriation made the funds available for obligation through September 30, 2019."

The funds were released September 11, 2019. No laws were broken. Nice try demwits.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Or will you just blame the democrats when Trump sets fire to the things you claim to want?

This. After the hard leftist Democrats kamikaze crash the Party’s national electability plane into the side of a mountain at 500 miles per hour and Trump gets 4 more years. Which yes, will ensure Trump sets fire to the things Id like to see happen.


Staff member
This. After the hard leftist Democrats kamikaze crash the Party’s national electability plane into the side of a mountain at 500 miles per hour and Trump gets 4 more years. Which yes, will ensure Trump sets fire to the things Id like to see happen.
That’s the kind of logic that people use when they decide that the US is responsible for Iran shooting down a passenger jet.


Staff member
I read their opinion and it's just plain stupid.

Pages of beurocratic blabbering about procedural rules for Congressional appropriations explaining that Trump has to release the funds.

....and buried in one sentence on page three is this little gem:
"The appropriation made the funds available for obligation through September 30, 2019."

The funds were released September 11, 2019. No laws were broken. Nice try demwits.
The GAO disagrees.


Well-Known Member
You insisted that you wouldn’t contribute to the crazy left and yet you seem ok with the status quo in it’s stead. I’m not sure that there’s a Democrat running conservative enough for you. Your TDS has you seeing TDS at every turn. You’ve talked yourself into tacit support of the crazy right even though you know that the things you say you support are in the crosshairs of Trump if he wins a second term. You know he wants to kill Obamacare. You know he wants to neuter the EPA. He doesn’t try to hide anything. But you’ll burn it all on the alter of Trump’s Republican Cathedral to defend against the specter of a socialism that doesn’t even exist. How easy is it for you to disregard the stated desires of a president and his rubber stamp congress? Or will you just blame the democrats when Trump sets fire to the things you claim to want?
All you have to do is listen to what Democrat candidates are saying they would do to pay for everything they want. Are they not serious about it all? Should people just hold their nose and vote for them anyways? Obamacare is a flawed system that needs repair. Doubtful the Republicans have a fix so we're just limping along.