President Trump


Well-Known Member
What I find fascinating about the Trump supporters that I know, is that they were never political in any way before. They never flew Romney or McCain signs in their yards. But now with Trump they are all-in on absolutely everything he says or does.

I understand that he is constantly attacked by most media outlets, so maybe they take their support to a different level because they see that as “fighting back”?

I just look at all politicians as someone who should be working for me.. not as some perfect person that I should worship!

If I lived in North Korea and they were having a parade to cheer for Supreme Leader...I would feel ridiculous standing there cheering for him. Probably gonna miss that to mow my yard.


Well-Known Member
Right. You folks are all anti-abortion, but you been seeing one live for the last few days as Trump flails and LIES about Covid-19. It couldn't have possibly be handled worse, yet you still believe in him unconditionally.

The biggest con in history, and the Flim-Flam Man still has you on the hook.

What a bunch of dopes.
i have to admit his policy has been a failure in one respect, i was hoping you would have Cvirus by now.

otherwise Cvirus is a real threat if you laid up in a nursing home. if you watched the press conference today the Surgeon general said the average age of victims is 80 years old.


Well-Known Member
It’s gross, but Chelsea Clinton probably wouldn’t be worth $25 million right now if it weren’t for her own Presidential parent.

I think we’ll all do better when we realize that since life is short, those politicians who hold or held power on both sides of the aisle use their positions to shovel all the cash they can for themselves. Regardless of their messaging on things like wealth and capitalism.
Since we are guessing now - How much would she probably have been worth if her dad only became a Governor?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Not true. is not worship

Maybe..just maybe..Romney and McCain were not Trump.

Your response reminds me of how Trump responds to questions. I watched every Republican debate in 2016 and felt like he was talking at a fourth grade level. Most of his more avid supporters in my area respond well to that.

“Romney and McCain were not Trump” could actually be something he would say.. especially talking about himself in the third person! He does it all the time


Well-Known Member
He does know the best words!

When he said his plan to replace Obamacare with “great healthcare, that I can tell you” I expected a laugh track to play in the background! But his supporters just thought that sounds awesome


Inordinately Right
He does know the best words!

When he said his plan to replace Obamacare with “great healthcare, that I can tell you” I expected a laugh track to play in the background! But his supporters just thought that sounds awesome
Funny, I have great healthcare, and the Democrats are promising to take it away.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
“Romney and McCain were not Trump” could actually be something he would say.. especially talking about himself in the third person! He does it all the time

Actually, this is what I was thinking about. Happens at about 55 seconds .

Romney and McCain were no Trump.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
View attachment 285810
Your response reminds me of how Trump responds to questions. I watched every Republican debate in 2016 and felt like he was talking at a fourth grade level. Most of his more avid supporters in my area respond well to that.
Your response reminds me of how LibDims respond to anything Trump says or does.
You're at such an elite level in all things. So much better as a person than Trump or his supporters.

Funny, I don't hear anyone laughing at his accomplishments or his leadership ability.
Know why? LibDims think at a fourth grade level and are too stupid to realize and or admit the good he has done for this country .
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 285810
I watched every Republican debate in 2016 and felt like he was talking at a fourth grade level. Most of his more avid supporters in my area respond well to that.

you realize what you felt does not matter. the voters understood what he had to say and elected him president.
your desperate claim for a consolation prize that you are somehow so much smarter then those voters is laughable.
those voters are now reaping the benifits of full employment and an economic boom while you try to hold on to your consolation prize and inform us what a smart guy you are.


Well-Known Member
Wrong, once again.
Biden will be the nominee, and unions will not lose their insurance. You didn't lose your insurance under Obama, believe it or not.
Many union workers really love their health benefits. That's a problem for Bernie Sanders. - CNNPolitics

Hope this helps.

wrong once again. Many families that had two wage earners lost the wives second insurance plan and now pay a lot more.
Many health plans lost the ability to tailor their plans to what they needed and keep the cost down. So a 60 year old man is forced to buy a plan with maternity benifits that they will never need.
to pay for the beni's of the non working pot head down the street you have to pay more