President Trump


Engorged Member
Please tell me that is Trump’s re-election slogan!

Time for some major decisions. Which golf course? Maybe he'll ORDER Disneyland to re-open. Don't mess with ME!! Trump has been revealed as a zero loser con. Mordecai Jones would be so proud of his best pupil.

And Congress...both sides. In the biggest crisis since WW2 THEY GO ON A 2-WEEK SPRING BREAK!! WTF!!

Every con comes to an end, and our government is in shreds. Thanks, Trump!!

So many ignorant Trumptards.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
They said the test in South Korea only takes about 8 hrs to get the result.. they are testing thousands a day
10,000 a day is what I've heard.
They don't rely on China for their drugs ... legal ones anyway.
Hopefully, that will be brought up in the post mortem and corrected quickly.
Perhaps the National Government should be involved in the production of base medical needs to ensure the USA is self-reliant.
PS - plenty of blame to go around ... this has happened over several Dem and Repug administrations.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I question the validity of these statements.

The USA's worst issue is the rollup reporting ... the CDC relies on State reports.
That rollup test reporting has not been set up.
New York seems to be on top of testing and reporting.
Last Friday, 4 million tests had been distributed and 1 million was in inventory awaiting orders.
The component missing is the reagent used in the testing as I understand.
I heard more on this from a doc on TV ... Marc Siegel who I think is well respected.
He said he has been going around and individual doctors are having problems getting the test kits and then they have to sent back in to a central lab. If the local doctor had the 'reagent', then a local lab could run the test.
His take is that the CDC has decentralized to the state level (New York) but the state has not decentralized to the local level.

This is the interview on Tucker's show if you want to hear what he says:

Dr. Siegel: We don't know how many people have coronavirus because of lack of testing