President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And we don't have 10,000 people getting better from this cocktail of two drugs.

Anecdotal in this sense means that some people got better, and were given these drugs...some people got better, and weren't given these drugs...some people were given the drugs and died.

Which pretty much follows the pathology of the virus...some people get deathly ill, most people don't, it's an 80/20 split.

There simply isn't enough data to say that these two drugs do anything at all.
Nice story but the scenario you laid out is not what has been reported from the French doctors, in particular Didier Raoult.
This is the study to which Trump and Fauci were referring.
The study was applied to 24 patients.
Raoult said chloroquine appeared to shorten the time that people with COVID-19 are infectious.
He said that the first Covid-19 patients he had treated with the drug chloroquine had seen a rapid and effective speeding up of their healing process, and a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained contagious.
Chloroquine - which is normally used mainly to prevent and treat malaria - was administered via the named drug, Plaquenil.

US academic study concurs
A new academic study, published on Friday March 13 by US scientific researchers, also said that chloroquine appeared to be an effective treatment, and appears to align with the findings in France.

It said: “Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay…

“Research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.

“Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions…[it] can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages.

"It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers [and] has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects.”

So far, no country - nor the World Health Organisation (WHO) - has officially published treatment measures against Covid-19, but in China and South Korea, guidelines already outline the use of chloroquine as an “effective treatment”, the study report said.

Figure 1 shows the results of patients still contagious after 6 days of treatment with placebo (Orange) versus with Plaqueril (Blue)

Figure 2 shows the results of patients still contagious after 6 days of treatment with placebo (Blue) versus with Plaqueril (Orange) versus Plaqueril plus azithromycin (Gray).

PLQ Graphs.PNG
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Inordinately Right
And if Trump had payed any attention to his pandemic task-force 'war-game' assessment in 2018, showing the holes in our preparedness, he might have given this Chinese virus some more attention.

Sad, Obama handed him the keys, he crashed the car.
Trump followed Obama's blueprint for response. Luckily he saw early that Obama's plan was inadequate, and decided to put travel restrictions in place.

If he had listened to you libs we would be screwed by the KungFlu.

El Correcto

god is dead
Nice story but the scenario you laid out is not what has been reported from the French doctors, in particular Didier Raoult.
This is the study to which Trump and Fauci were referring.
The study was applied to 24 patients.
Raoult said chloroquine appeared to shorten the time that people with COVID-19 are infectious.
He said that the first Covid-19 patients he had treated with the drug chloroquine had seen a rapid and effective speeding up of their healing process, and a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained contagious.
Chloroquine - which is normally used mainly to prevent and treat malaria - was administered via the named drug, Plaquenil.

US academic study concurs
A new academic study, published on Friday March 13 by US scientific researchers, also said that chloroquine appeared to be an effective treatment, and appears to align with the findings in France.

It said: “Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay…

“Research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.

“Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions…[it] can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages.

"It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers [and] has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects.”

So far, no country - nor the World Health Organisation (WHO) - has officially published treatment measures against Covid-19, but in China and South Korea, guidelines already outline the use of chloroquine as an “effective treatment”, the study report said.
Why not hydroxychloroquine? I heard it’s less toxic and what China was using in their studies.
Is it because chloroquine is cheaper and more readily available for treating an outbreak?


Well-Known Member
Nice story but the scenario you laid out is not what has been reported from the French doctors, in particular Didier Raoult.
This is the study to which Trump and Fauci were referring.
The study was applied to 24 patients.
Raoult said chloroquine appeared to shorten the time that people with COVID-19 are infectious.
He said that the first Covid-19 patients he had treated with the drug chloroquine had seen a rapid and effective speeding up of their healing process, and a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained contagious.
Chloroquine - which is normally used mainly to prevent and treat malaria - was administered via the named drug, Plaquenil.

US academic study concurs
A new academic study, published on Friday March 13 by US scientific researchers, also said that chloroquine appeared to be an effective treatment, and appears to align with the findings in France.

It said: “Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay…

“Research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.

“Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions…[it] can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages.

"It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers [and] has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects.”

So far, no country - nor the World Health Organisation (WHO) - has officially published treatment measures against Covid-19, but in China and South Korea, guidelines already outline the use of chloroquine as an “effective treatment”, the study report said.

So why was Fauci so reticent to sign on?


Well-Known Member
Trump followed Obama's blueprint for response. Luckily he saw early that Obama's plan was inadequate, and decided to put travel restrictions in place.

If he had listened to you libs we would be screwed by the KungFlu.

Interesting if true.

If Trump had just listened to his own administrations' results from a dry-run of this pandemic scenario, where the government was shown to run into logistical snags, regulatory hurdles, shortages of necessary equipment, on and on...

My guess is the boss doesn't like bad news, so he probably never even heard about it.

Which pretty much explains Trump in January and most of February.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So why was Fauci so reticent to sign on?
Because he is a scientist and the "study has not been peer reviewed".
He also indicated the study group was not large enough.
He did say that he felt positive about the possibilities of the drugs but "I am a scientist and these drugs have not been studied extensively using multiple tests in varying populations and not subjected to a peer review." Note: I'm sure I didn't get his quote correct in it's entirety.


Inordinately Right
Interesting if true.

If Trump had just listened to his own administrations' results from a dry-run of this pandemic scenario, where the government was shown to run into logistical snags, regulatory hurdles, shortages of necessary equipment, on and on...

My guess is the boss doesn't like bad news, so he probably never even heard about it.

Which pretty much explains Trump in January and most of February.
In January Trump was following the blueprint Obama's team had laid out, which was to coordinate with the World Health Organization at the early days of emergence.

The WHO was being communist China's bitch and pushing their lies that there was no human to human transfer.

Luckily Trump eventually ignored their advice and put travel restrictions in place.


Well-Known Member
Because he is a scientist and the "study has not been peer reviewed".
He also indicated the study group was not large enough.
He did say that he felt positive about the possibilities of the drugs but "I am a scientist and these drugs have not been studied extensively using multiple tests in varying populations and not subjected to a peer review." Note: I'm sure I didn't get his quote correct in it's entirety.

24 people isn't a great sample size, and I'm not sure why we're slamming the Chinese for withholding data from us, and then championing this data point from them.

And the French?


Well-Known Member
In January he was following the blueprint Obama's team had laid out, which was to coordinate with the World Health Organization at the early days of emergence.

The WHO was being communist China's bitch and pushing their lies that there was no human to human transfer.

Luckily Trump eventually ignored their advice and put travel restrictions in place.

Almost three weeks after he was informed that there was a raging virus in China.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
24 people isn't a great sample size, and I'm not sure why we're slamming the Chinese for withholding data from us, and then championing this data point from them.

And the French?
This is not referring to a Chinese study ... that was proven false last week but it's still being lauded by FAKE News as there is no solution.

The study that Trump and Fauci (and myself) were referring to was the one by the French doctor Didier Raoult and his group.


Well-Known Member
So you say he should follow the pandemic response team's blueprint and then criticize him for it?

No, go big or go home.

Closing the borders is old hat for the Donald, why did he wait three weeks?

I think he wanted this under wraps, he didn’t like the numbers.

I think he’s fired anyone who Obama appointed, regardless of competence, because he’s still butt-hurt about that WH Press Correspondence dinner, when Obama threw him some shade.

I think Donald has replaced competence with loyalty, and no one was willing to tell him the truth, for fear of their job.

Ten weeks into this, Donald has only been taking it seriously for the last two weeks, and only because the Market is tanking.

Leadership is top-down.


Inordinately Right
I think he’s fired anyone who Obama appointed, regardless of competence, because he’s still butt-hurt about that WH Press Correspondence dinner, when Obama threw him some shade.

I think Donald has replaced competence with loyalty, and no one was willing to tell him the truth, for fear of their job.
So it's just your TDS flaring up, not the KungFlu. Okay carry on.
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Well-Known Member
This is not referring to a Chinese study ... that was proven false last week but it's still being lauded by FAKE News as there is no solution.

The study that Trump and Fauci (and myself) were referring to was the one by the French doctor Didier Raoult and his group.

Great, I hope it yields results.

Maybe one good result out of this clusterfk is that we can weed out some truly useless regulations that stand in the way of the National Government being able to mobilize in times of crisis.

Our Federal system seems to be holding up well...State Governors are doing their job, and Local control is holding.

To the extent that the National Government is failing, I see that as a bloated bureaucracy that’s spent too much time enriching itself.

This is one of the few times where an appropriate National Government response is called for, and, they’re kind of screwing it up.

So, cut the chaff, learn from this experience and instantiate appropriate mechanisms where we can quickly mobilize resources in times like these.

Other countries (way more Authoritarian) than ours have a solid and deep bench of Civil Servants.

It’s not clear to me why America can’t engender that sense of National readiness.

Everyone talks :censored2: about how America is the best, but this experience we’re going through shows that we’re not.

Rant over, I just wish the ‘Wild West’ ethos of American Individualism had just a dash more togetherness in it.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.


Our response to this virus is, shall we say, lacking.

This isn’t about Trump, it’s about our systems.

Our systems are failing us, we need new ones; this predates Trump.

Yes, America is awesome, ra ra.

Two months in, people can’t get tested, because there’s a lack of test kits, and our byzantine healthcare system makes people jump through hoops...that’s not how you contain an epidemic.

China solved their virus problem by locking everyone the fk down.

South Korea solved their virus problem by full-scale testing, isolating the sick, contact-tracing, basic 1920’s detective sop.

Is it your assertion that America is better than South Korea?

They’re better than us at this one thing...

But theirs is a smaller country, etc...

What Americans don’t understand is soon as anyone tells us what to do, we absolutely lose it.

That’s great for winning freedom from the Brits, not so great when we need to act like a herd (which is what we need to do to stop this virus).

I’m sorry this makes your brain hurt.

America is awesome, but it’s not the best, at least not the best at certain things.


Inordinately Right
China solved their virus problem by locking everyone the fk down.
China covered it up for a month.

They allowed hundreds of millions of people to congregate to celebrate Chinese New year.

When they finally started quarantines, they allowed 5 million people to leave Wuhan and spread it to the world.

Then they killed their own people through brutal draconian tactics to contain their :censored2: up.




Well-Known Member
China covered it up for a month.

They allowed hundreds of millions of people to congregate to celebrate Chinese New year.

When they finally started quarantines, they allowed 5 million people to leave Wuhan and spread it to the world.

Then they killed their own people through brutal draconian tactics to contain their :censored2: up.





I'm certainly not leaving JINA blameless in this situation.

Just saying the US response was, lackluster.

You champion Trump for shutting down travel from China.


It's cool, Trump is our Lord and Savior, he can do no wrong.