President Trump


Well-Known Member
Because if a single person had died because of not getting a ventilator the leftist media would be screaming about it from the rooftops.

The fda and cdc just changed the needless regulations so that they can use one ventilator for two people. Wow imagine that they just cut the number they need in half. Hmmmm.
They were built for one person, *.
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Engorged Member
A lot of people get comfort out of prayer and reading their Bible. They have just as much right to have that mentioned as you do to attack Trump continuously. Do you think you could try a little empathy instead of attacking everything and everyone you disagree with? Might make you a better you.

Great. We don't need comfort right now, we need facts. Trotting-out a bunch of Trump-friendly CEOs isn't really helpful, nor is having a Bible Banger get a platform to pitch his company and his religious take on how Trump is basically a gift from God. Unscripted and ad-lib.....sure. I thought he might start humping Trump's leg. I guess social distancing prevented that. But he did try and shake Trump's hand.

The better me sees a president who still wants to make it all about him instead of directly addressing the problem. Also, Mr. Love, aren't we a country of many religions? How come there is NEVER anyone from a religion other than Christianity? Maybe the Muslims, Hindus etc would also like "comfort" from our president.

It's all about catering to the base, sir, which is folks like you. Yesterday's "My Pillow Show" was right up your alley, and that's just fine with Trump friends.

Do you see the problem? I'm guessing "no".


Inordinately Right
Also, Mr. Love, aren't we a country of many religions? How come there is NEVER anyone from a religion other than Christianity? Maybe the Muslims, Hindus etc
Great question.

De Blasio gets on the news and grandstands about permanently closing synagogues and churches....

Hmmmm, interesting he didn't mention mosques considering New York's large Muslim population.


Strength through joy
Update to that story about the woman who killed her husband with fish tank cleaner and tried to blame Trump.

Court records show the wife who fed her husband fish cleaner (poison?) has a history of mental illness (paranoia, depression) and had considered divorcing her husband as far back as 2012.

[short thread]

The wife had significant health issues.

She testified that she had "adrenal gland failure, and steroids and heart medicine are keeping me functioning"

While this shows that she (and maybe her husband) were high risk for COVID-19..

And she certainly wasn't shy to seek input from doctors.

Transcripts (civil case) show she sought out an occupational health doctor and "wanted his advice"

Her familiarity with medication doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone who would mix fish cleaner with soda.

— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) March 31, 2020


Engorged Member
Great question.

De Blasio gets on the news and grandstands about permanently closing synagogues and churches....

Hmmmm, interesting he didn't mention mosques considering New York's large Muslim population.

Another conspiracy for you. I'd think you'd be concerned with Russian Orthodox, but, then again, you're in Siberia, not NYC.


Well-Known Member
Great. We don't need comfort right now, we need facts. Trotting-out a bunch of Trump-friendly CEOs isn't really helpful, nor is having a Bible Banger get a platform to pitch his company and his religious take on how Trump is basically a gift from God. Unscripted and ad-lib.....sure. I thought he might start humping Trump's leg. I guess social distancing prevented that. But he did try and shake Trump's hand.

The better me sees a president who still wants to make it all about him instead of directly addressing the problem. Also, Mr. Love, aren't we a country of many religions? How come there is NEVER anyone from a religion other than Christianity? Maybe the Muslims, Hindus etc would also like "comfort" from our president.

It's all about catering to the base, sir, which is folks like you. Yesterday's "My Pillow Show" was right up your alley, and that's just fine with Trump friends.

Do you see the problem? I'm guessing "no".
Yah, elections have consequences. Get out the vote if you want to install an anti-religion zealot in the White House. My guess is we won't know he/she is anti-religion with all the pandering to get votes. The only clue will be he/she is a Democrat who rarely attends any kind of service once in office. The other clues like saying we are no longer a Christian nation will come in time.


Engorged Member
Yah, elections have consequences. Get out the vote if you want to install an anti-religion zealot in the White House. My guess is we won't know he/she is anti-religion with all the pandering to get votes. The only clue will be he/she is a Democrat who rarely attends any kind of service once in office. The other clues like saying we are no longer a Christian nation will come in time.

We aren't supposed to be a Christian nation. No religion is supposed to be favored over another, or none. It's fine with you that your religion gets favored treatment, not equality. That's Un-American.

Mr. My Pillow is also one of the top advertisers on FOX, so maybe that's why he got a national platform. I don't care what religion the next president is, BTW. Trump is only "Christian" to the point it serves his purposes. He panders all the time to the Religious Right. Why do you think Pence is VP?


Well-Known Member
We aren't supposed to be a Christian nation. No religion is supposed to be favored over another, or none. It's fine with you that your religion gets favored treatment, not equality. That's Un-American.

Mr. My Pillow is also one of the top advertisers on FOX, so maybe that's why he got a national platform. I don't care what religion the next president is, BTW. Trump is only "Christian" to the point it serves his purposes. He panders all the time to the Religious Right. Why do you think Pence is VP?
But Pence is VP and I would rather have a president that panders to us than a guy who talks about us clinging to our guns and our religion behind closed doors. And I know this steams you, but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and it's greatness lies in allowing others to worship as their beliefs dictate(as long as they aren't hurting anyone)or to not believe at all. It was never about stamping out all vestiges of religious belief in the public arena, especially Christian beliefs. Try that in quite a few countries. Yell at Muslims that they believe in a fictional Sky God and that they can't show any religious expression or that their country wasn't founded on Islamic beliefs. Hope you're a fast runner.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yell at Muslims that they believe in a fictional Sky God and that they can't show any religious expression or that their country wasn't founded on Islamic beliefs. Hope you're a fast runner.

Y’all-Qaeda gets pretty butthurt here too. Wouldn’t turn my back on ‘em after a good Jesus joke!


Engorged Member
But Pence is VP and I would rather have a president that panders to us than a guy who talks about us clinging to our guns and our religion behind closed doors. And I know this steams you, but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and it's greatness lies in allowing others to worship as their beliefs dictate(as long as they aren't hurting anyone)or to not believe at all. It was never about stamping out all vestiges of religious belief in the public arena, especially Christian beliefs. Try that in quite a few countries. Yell at Muslims that they believe in a fictional Sky God and that they can't show any religious expression or that their country wasn't founded on Islamic beliefs. Hope you're a fast runner.

Nobody answered my question about the legitimacy of other gods. How come their origin stories of the universe or their Supreme Being are any less believable (or valuable) than yours?

The "My Pillow" moment yesterday was just another example of Christianity being the preferred religion. I seriously doubt any of it was spontaneous. Only Mike and Trump know for sure.

I'm not interested in stamping out beliefs, just seeing that they are all equal. The whole idea of the Founding Fathers using Christianity as a basis for the US system is unfounded, and factual only to those with a vested interest.

Please tell me why the Muslims are wrong about their god and you're right about yours.