President Trump


Well-Known Member
We are inflating numbers
We are doing great
Need to get back to work
We don't need as much PPE as they talk about
Saying hospitals are making up numbers.

haha, he is so :censored2:ing stupid haha.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

PolitiFact - Pelosi didn’t pose and smile for a photo in front of a Trump 2020 sign

“An altered version of a real photo of Pelosi and U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Ca., with the sign added behind the congresswomen, is going around social media.

Text near the top of the manipulated photo says, "This is so funny. Keep it posted on Facebook and other social media. And along the bottom, "Please, please keep this picture going!!"

The image was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.”


Engorged Member


Engorged Member

OK, so why is Birx on camera, and not Fauci? She seems fine with messaging for Trump, as in her statement that NY was not experiencing a ventilator shortage, when medical staff and the NY governor were saying otherwise.

I think Fauci planting his face in his palm as Trump spoke is very revealing. Trump doesn't want a straight-shooter on TV, he wants someone who will spin-it according to the Trump narrative.

That would be Birx, not Fauci.


Engorged Member
They don't have a shortage.
Cuomo is grandstanding.

How would you know? Why wouldn't you believe the person in charge of Ground Zero for the outbreak? Your delusion is amazing.

Who cuts your check. The GOP or the Russian government? About 90% of what you post are outright lies. Occasionally, you post something factual.

How are you doing with the outbreak in Russia? It's OK if you drink wood alcohol.


Staff member
"Think of it: 151 countries. Somebody said to me today that wasn't in this particular world -- they didn't know that we had that many countries. A hundred and fifty-one countries. That's something."


Inordinately Right
How would you know?
Because if a single person had died because of not getting a ventilator the leftist media would be screaming about it from the rooftops.

The fda and cdc just changed the needless regulations so that they can use one ventilator for two people. Wow imagine that they just cut the number they need in half. Hmmmm.


Engorged Member
199 countries according to coronavirus website.

What did you think of the "My Pillow" commercial today and the advice of CEO Butt Kisser Mike to read our Bibles? Freaking idiots, led by the Orange Idiot.

Worthless advice, in a probably staged homage to Trump. How about NOT making it political or about "ratings" and having a briefing that focuses SOLELY on the very big problem at hand.
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Well-Known Member
What did you think of the "My Pillow" commercial today and the advice of CEO Butt Kisser Mike to read our Bibles? Freaking idiots, led by the Orange Idiot.

Worthless advice, in a probably staged homage to Trump. How about NOT making it political or about "ratings" and having a briefing that focuses SOLELY on the very big problem at hand.
A lot of people get comfort out of prayer and reading their Bible. They have just as much right to have that mentioned as you do to attack Trump continuously. Do you think you could try a little empathy instead of attacking everything and everyone you disagree with? Might make you a better you.


Well-Known Member
What did you think of the "My Pillow" commercial today and the advice of CEO Butt Kisser Mike to read our Bibles? Freaking idiots, led by the Orange Idiot.

Worthless advice, in a probably staged homage to Trump. How about NOT making it political or about "ratings" and having a briefing that focuses SOLELY on the very big problem at hand.

not everyone is as hateful as you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
A lot of people get comfort out of prayer and reading their Bible. They have just as much right to have that mentioned as you do to attack Trump continuously. Do you think you could try a little empathy instead of attacking everything and everyone you disagree with? Might make you a better you.
She is the essence of evil!

There is a fundamental sense in which evil is not something that can be made sense of. The essence of evil is that it is something which is absurd, bizarre and irrational. It is the nature of evil to be inexplicable, an enigma and a stupidity.