President Trump


Well-Known Member
Y’all-Qaeda gets pretty butthurt here too. Wouldn’t turn my back on ‘em after a good Jesus joke!
That Jesus is good is no joke my friend. PM me to discuss what our Lord can do for you(the humor is in the sudden cringing and fear that just came over you).


Well-Known Member
Nobody answered my question about the legitimacy of other gods. How come their origin stories of the universe or their Supreme Being are any less believable (or valuable) than yours?

The "My Pillow" moment yesterday was just another example of Christianity being the preferred religion. I seriously doubt any of it was spontaneous. Only Mike and Trump know for sure.

I'm not interested in stamping out beliefs, just seeing that they are all equal. The whole idea of the Founding Fathers using Christianity as a basis for the US system is unfounded, and factual only to those with a vested interest.

Please tell me why the Muslims are wrong about their god and you're right about yours.
References to God and Christianity are throughout the writings of the Founding Fathers. As to other beliefs, they have the right to believe as they choose. That doesn't mean we have to respect their beliefs as equal or just as good as ours. Pretty sure they feel the same way. You are also free to reject any and all beliefs other than your own.


Engorged Member
References to God and Christianity are throughout the writings of the Founding Fathers. As to other beliefs, they have the right to believe as they choose. That doesn't mean we have to respect their beliefs as equal or just as good as ours. Pretty sure they feel the sample way. You are also free to reject any and all beliefs other than your own.

Space Allah loves you.