President Trump


Well-Known Member
when 9/11 happened, george bush stood on top of the rubble of his own intelligence failure and his approval rating went to 90%.

maybe same with happen to trump with his corona virus failure.

at the same time, presidents dont do well when the economy is :censored2:


Retired 23 years
All in all I think Trump is doing a good job. That being said I got a big letter from him today (at least that's what the return address said :-) )wanting me to donate money to him. He's the one who owns the big buildings in NY and fancy resorts and country clubs all over the place----and he want me to give him money? I don't think so. By the way none of those Democratic clowns get any either. :-)


nowhere special
All in all I think Trump is doing a good job. That being said I got a big letter from him today (at least that's what the return address said :-) )wanting me to donate money to him. He's the one who owns the big buildings in NY and fancy resorts and country clubs all over the place----and he want me to give him money? I don't think so. By the way none of those Democratic clowns get any either. :-)

When I get one of those letters its usually from Melania. I guess she doesn't like you as much.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Nudes of the Donald?