President Trump


Well-Known Member
None of those people are president, nor were they part of the Intel briefings Trump got in JANUARY and early February warning him of the coming pandemic.

You know, the intelligence he ignored?
How could he have known in January when the Chinese and their lackeys at the WHO were downplaying it? And if you think the Federal government wasn't informing governors and mayors by February if not sooner I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. The fact is that we were dealing with an impeachment debacle and your top Dems weren't going to agree with Trump on anything that might look like a positive for him. The Republicans weren't perfect on this but if you think Dems deserve a pass you're TDS has rotted your brain.


Well-Known Member
How could he have known in January when the Chinese and their lackeys at the WHO were downplaying it? And if you think the Federal government wasn't informing governors and mayors by February if not sooner I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. The fact is that we were dealing with an impeachment debacle and your top Dems weren't going to agree with Trump on anything that might look like a positive for him. The Republicans weren't perfect on this but if you think Dems deserve a pass you're TDS has rotted your brain.


You like Trump, so he can do no wrong in your eyes.

Except he’s screwing sht up.

You’ll explain it away, ‘cause you like the guy.

But let’s not pretend that Trump is succeeding on any metric.

Guy is two months late and two trillion dollars short.


Inordinately Right
Except he’s screwing sht up.

You’ll explain it away, ‘cause you like the guy.

But let’s not pretend that Trump is succeeding on any metric.

Guy is two months late and two trillion dollars short.
You keep saying that garbage but when pressed on facts, it's clear you just don't like the guy's politics.

Trump is doing his job.


Well-Known Member

You like Trump, so he can do no wrong in your eyes.

Except he’s screwing sht up.

You’ll explain it away, ‘cause you like the guy.

But let’s not pretend that Trump is succeeding on any metric.

Guy is two months late and two trillion dollars short.
So you say but my post still stands. You were one of the guys a few weeks into Trump's administration saying why hasn't he fixed it yet? Nobody can fix things this serious with a wave of the hands. But even if he does everything perfectly he still has that R by his name which means you'll never give him credit.


Well-Known Member