President Trump


Engorged Member
"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."

Who probably directed him to make that statement?


Well-Known Member
Guy is two months late and two trillion dollars short.

if true it sounds like he received some bad advice from someone

Lol, 50,000 people die every year in the US from the ‘regular’ flu...

Where’s the panic about that?

Seems like they’re being a little more transparent than with SARS, but who knows.

  • CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 15 million flu illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths from flu.

Exactly. The flu is more communicable, more prevalent and more deadly. This new virus is nothing special. It’s a tool to scare people.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
No, facts. Trump was briefed by our intelligence community in January (date not provided) and again in February. If it was early January or early February, Trump has some explaining to do, right?

Or, was The Deep State telling him lies again?
So what was Old Hag Pelosi, Shiff for Brains and Fatler doing to stop this? Or any other politician for that matter? Oh that’s right. They were too busy with the impeachment hoax. Guess what? They are gonna push another one. Enemies of the State. The lot of them. Trump landslide! Mark it down!

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Why not call it Covid-19? Why "race bait" it so Trump can blame the Chinese? The problem is that stupid people take it out on Chinese-AMERICANS, who aren't even from China, as in American-born.
This isn’t WW2 bro. We aren’t rounding up Chinese Americans and putting them in camps smh. I feel for the large section of Chinese citizens who want democracy so bad. Communism is a cancer.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So what was Old Hag Pelosi, Shiff for Brains and Fatler doing to stop this? Or any other politician for that matter? Oh that’s right. They were too busy with the impeachment hoax. Guess what? They are gonna push another one. Enemies of the State. The lot of them. Trump landslide! Mark it down!
What do you think Trump’s campaign will be? “Everyone hates me, is exhausted by the chaos, but at least the economy sucks and I killed grandma.”


Well-Known Member
What do you think Trump’s campaign will be? “Everyone hates me, is exhausted by the chaos, but at least the economy sucks and I killed grandma.”

I dont know if you noticed but trumps campaign is running strong right now . He's leading the nation through a crisis and he's not hiding . he's right there on the front lines with all his experts wearing the press out speaking to the people.

your concern will be when americans ask themselves who will be better at rebuilding this damaged economy Trump or the senile guy in the basement

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
What do you think Trump’s campaign will be? “Everyone hates me, is exhausted by the chaos, but at least the economy sucks and I killed grandma.”
Nah. Something along the lines of, “America will never be a socialist country”, “The deep state is the enemy of America”,”You think I have health problems? Enter exhibit 1. Sleepy Joe”. And a host of others. Keep eating those scraps from the communist table.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nah. Something along the lines of, “America will never be a socialist country”, “The deep state is the enemy of America”,”You think I have health problems? Enter exhibit 1. Sleepy Joe”. And a host of others. Keep eating those scraps from the communist table.
How about, “I blocked people from getting health insurance during a pandemic. I continued to try to destroy the ACA and the insurance it provides during a pandemic.”


Well-Known Member
Why not call it Covid-19? Why "race bait" it so Trump can blame the Chinese? The problem is that stupid people take it out on Chinese-AMERICANS, who aren't even from China, as in American-born.

As usual, you don't see a problem with what Trump says.
Ebola is the name of the region in Africa where that virus first emerged. Are African-Americans getting attacked over it?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nah. Something along the lines of, “America will never be a socialist country”, “The deep state is the enemy of America”,”You think I have health problems? Enter exhibit 1. Sleepy Joe”. And a host of others. Keep eating those scraps from the communist table.
Maybe, “I lit a few trillion dollars on fire during boom times for corporate giveaways making the new massive deficit spending even more painful.”


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You're all about preserving life, right? What about the people who are actually living right now? Are their lives worth saving? You seem a bit confused, sir. On one hand, it seems you're advocating "saving the economy and souls" by opening everything up, and on the other, you are fine with having potentially hundreds of thousands of people die.

Which is it?
You stay confused .
There is a difference in killing/murder and dying.


Engorged Member
This isn’t WW2 bro. We aren’t rounding up Chinese Americans and putting them in camps smh. I feel for the large section of Chinese citizens who want democracy so bad. Communism is a cancer.

Nobody is rounding up Chinese Americans, but inbred 'Muricans are taking out their anger on them.


Engorged Member
He refused to allow a new open enrollment period to eliminate the red tape for everyone that just lost their employer coverage. He is currently in court trying to get the ACA deemed unconstitutional.

Isn't he great? Especially when more people need affordable health care more than ever before. I like how at today's Covid-19 press conference, Trump says "now is not the time for politics". He then goes into a rant about witch-hunt investigations and how his polls will be helped by them if the Democrats do investigate.

What a POS.