President Trump

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
That no one, including the scientists, knew enough to take this seriously enough?

That's what happens when communist China lies and gives the world fake data.

Nah. Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Richard Burr and other members of Congress were dumping stock based on what they knew was coming in early February. I’d expect the President of the United States would have known as much or more than they did about the virus situation at the time.


Inordinately Right
Nah. Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Richard Burr and other members of Congress were dumping stock based on what they knew was coming in early February. I’d expect the President of the United States would have known as much or more than they did about the virus situation at the time.
So all you have is conspiracy theories.


Engorged Member
It's quite the country where we live.
You can get arrested for going to church, but the abortion clinic is open for business.

You're all about preserving life, right? What about the people who are actually living right now? Are their lives worth saving? You seem a bit confused, sir. On one hand, it seems you're advocating "saving the economy and souls" by opening everything up, and on the other, you are fine with having potentially hundreds of thousands of people die.

Which is it?


Engorged Member
So all you have is conspiracy theories.

No, facts. Trump was briefed by our intelligence community in January (date not provided) and again in February. If it was early January or early February, Trump has some explaining to do, right?

Or, was The Deep State telling him lies again?


Engorged Member
How could he have known in January when the Chinese and their lackeys at the WHO were downplaying it? And if you think the Federal government wasn't informing governors and mayors by February if not sooner I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. The fact is that we were dealing with an impeachment debacle and your top Dems weren't going to agree with Trump on anything that might look like a positive for him. The Republicans weren't perfect on this but if you think Dems deserve a pass you're TDS has rotted your brain.

He was briefed twice. Once in January and again in February, by OUR intelligence that this was going to be a pandemic. No exact dates have been provided. It doesn't sound like anyone was warned because the Trump administration wanted to downplay it, as should be obvious from his past statements minimizing Covid-19.

Your "impeachment debacle" narrative is straight from Mitch McConnell, who stated that 2 days ago. It sounds like Trump Defense Syndrome has rotted your brain.


nowhere special
You're all about preserving life, right? What about the people who are actually living right now? Are their lives worth saving? You seem a bit confused, sir. On one hand, it seems you're advocating "saving the economy and souls" by opening everything up, and on the other, you are fine with having potentially hundreds of thousands of people die.

Which is it?


Inordinately Right
No, facts. Trump was briefed by our intelligence community in January (date not provided) and again in February. If it was early January or early February, Trump has some explaining to do, right?

Or, was The Deep State telling him lies again?
And you're so mentally ill you think you know what was said in those meetings.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He's a sociopath, who only cares about his "ratings". His behavior is consistently all about him, and he could care less how many people die.
His goal is always short term. How to get through today’s news cycle. That’s why he thought one day like a miracle it would all be gone. That’s how he operates. Once a story leaves the top of the news it doesn’t exist anymore. He can’t understand a story that continues like this. He’s tried race baiting, he’s trying to politicize and “both sides” the issue. He can’t get away from his failures that easily this time.


Inordinately Right
Sure, he has. That's why he minimized it while scientists were telling him not to do so.

"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."


Well-Known Member
He was briefed twice. Once in January and again in February, by OUR intelligence that this was going to be a pandemic. No exact dates have been provided. It doesn't sound like anyone was warned because the Trump administration wanted to downplay it, as should be obvious from his past statements minimizing Covid-19.

Your "impeachment debacle" narrative is straight from Mitch McConnell, who stated that 2 days ago. It sounds like Trump Defense Syndrome has rotted your brain.
I wasn't aware McConnell said that but great minds do think alike. :)

But there are numerous examples on video even in March of Dem Congressmen, governors, and mayors telling their constituents that the coronavirus shouldn't keep them from using mass transit, attending festivals, movies, etc. Their TDS made them push the opposite of what the Feds were telling them. Really makes it hard for you to keep up the Dems are good, Dems are smart narrative, huh?


Well-Known Member
His goal is always short term. How to get through today’s news cycle. That’s why he thought one day like a miracle it would all be gone. That’s how he operates. Once a story leaves the top of the news it doesn’t exist anymore. He can’t understand a story that continues like this. He’s tried race baiting, he’s trying to politicize and “both sides” the issue. He can’t get away from his failures that easily this time.
"Race baiting". Always about race with you. It's become increasingly clear the Chinese are lying about their control over the virus, the amount of deaths they actually have. But in your mind criticizing them for making this virus even worse is race baiting.


Engorged Member
I wasn't aware McConnell said that but great minds do think alike. :)

But there are numerous examples on video even in March of Dem Congressmen, governors, and mayors telling their constituents that the coronavirus shouldn't keep them from using mass transit, attending festivals, movies, etc. Their TDS made them push the opposite of what the Feds were telling them. Really makes it hard for you to keep up the Dems are good, Dems are smart narrative, huh?

They weren't briefed by the experts. Trump was. Yeah, sure. You weren't aware McConnell said that.


Engorged Member
"Race baiting". Always about race with you. It's become increasingly clear the Chinese are lying about their control over the virus, the amount of deaths they actually have. But in your mind criticizing them for making this virus even worse is race baiting.

Why not call it Covid-19? Why "race bait" it so Trump can blame the Chinese? The problem is that stupid people take it out on Chinese-AMERICANS, who aren't even from China, as in American-born.

As usual, you don't see a problem with what Trump says.