President Trump


Engorged Member
You stay confused .
There is a difference in killing/murder and dying.

OK. So just standing-by and letting people unnecessarily die is OK? Leave it in God's hands, right? How about doing our best to save the life of anyone and everyone. I think you're kind of confused, sir. We let hundreds of thousands of people in Third World countries starve to death every year, and you could care less because they aren't Jesus babies you can "save".

Oh, yeah. Aren't you also one of those folks that advocates for the elimination of social programs that would help children who are born?

You stay confused, and full of a religion you don't seem to understand.


Well-Known Member
He refused to allow a new open enrollment period to eliminate the red tape for everyone that just lost their employer coverage. He is currently in court trying to get the ACA deemed unconstitutional.

18 months of cobra on point one.

point two is case brought by 18 states and supported by trump. the dems have no incentive to work with repugs to fix health care until Obamacare is overturned.

your jedi propaganda will not work on me.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
18 months of cobra on point one.

point two is case brought by 18 states and supported by trump. the dems have no incentive to work with repugs to fix health care until Obamacare is overturned.

your jedi propaganda will not work on me.
Sure. People that are unemployed can afford cobra payments for 18 months? That’s silly.

People can get coverage through the ACA marketplace for the major life change of job loss. The problem is that is a cumbersome process. Trump could create a new open enrollment period to make it easier for people to get health insurance. He’s choosing not to.

Trump is in court to eliminate the ACA. Glad you can admit that fact.


Inordinately Right
Who probably directed him to make that statement?
"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."


Well-Known Member
Sure. People that are unemployed can afford cobra payments for 18 months? That’s silly.

governments giving them the money . works perfectly . now who's silly?

People can get coverage through the ACA marketplace for the major life change of job loss. The problem is that is a cumbersome process. Trump could create a new open enrollment period to make it easier for people to get health insurance. He’s choosing not to.

holy crap are you telling me the plan that covers everyone is not covering everyone? and like everything else you want trump to fix the half-assed :censored2: the dems screwed up?

Trump is in court to eliminate the ACA. Glad you can admit that fact.

theres no shame in admitting trump is trying to scrap that pile of stinking dung

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
governments giving them the money . works perfectly . now who's silly?

holy crap are you telling me the plan that covers everyone is not covering everyone? and like everything else you want trump to fix the half-assed :censored2: the dems screwed up?

theres no shame in admitting trump is trying to scrap that pile of stinking dung
It sounds like you don’t understand the ACA or how open enrollment works. Trump could cut some red tape to help people get health insurance quicker and cheaper during a pandemic. He isn’t doing that because it’s Obama’s law.


Engorged Member
18 months of cobra on point one.

point two is case brought by 18 states and supported by trump. the dems have no incentive to work with repugs to fix health care until Obamacare is overturned.

your jedi propaganda will not work on me.

COBRA is incredibly expensive. How do you afford it when you have no job?


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you don’t understand the ACA or how open enrollment works.

it sounds like you dont understand what a turd ACA has been after Obama had to lie to the supreme court on round one to keep it from getting waxed.

the system moves slow but it works. your whining will not stop the train


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
OK. So just standing-by and letting people unnecessarily die is OK? Leave it in God's hands, right? How about doing our best to save the life of anyone and everyone. I think you're kind of confused, sir. We let hundreds of thousands of people in Third World countries starve to death every year, and you could care less because they aren't Jesus babies you can "save".

Oh, yeah. Aren't you also one of those folks that advocates for the elimination of social programs that would help children who are born?

You stay confused, and full of a religion you don't seem to understand.
I started to respond to this but I read it again and really...DIDO is right...kill yourself now.