President Trump


Engorged Member
That's because it didn't come from a bat. It came from the biological laboratory they opened in 2015. Part of me thinks this was on purpose to let the sick die and take more control. So USA is in 20 Trillion dollars in debt to who. That's right the chicoms so if they forgive the debt then how does the nwo look. I bet Chinese are buying American companies right now devalued and cheap. Something about the 5g technology going up everywhere scares me.

Sorry, Nut Boy. The virus was discovered in a population of bats 3 years ago, in China, by the Chinese. At the time, they said it would likely eventually transmit to humans, much like SARS. Unfortunately, nobody paid enough attention.


Engorged Member

Aren't the Chinese "God's People" too? Didn't he create them? Why do you hate all of God's Chinese children? Covid-19 has been here since the creation, sir. You've said EVERYTHING was created and that there is no evolution, so it HAD to be just sitting there waiting for God's Plan to go into effect and make it a pandemic.

God's chosen president then ignored it because it was all part of the plan.

It all makes so much sense.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
That's because it didn't come from a bat. It came from the biological laboratory they opened in 2015. Part of me thinks this was on purpose to let the sick die and take more control. So USA is in 20 Trillion dollars in debt to who. That's right the chicoms so if they forgive the debt then how does the nwo look. I bet Chinese are buying American companies right now devalued and cheap. Something about the 5g technology going up everywhere scares me.
It’s biologically made period. The Chinese are buying vineyards here. In the past, our bodies are designed to eventually be immune to mostly all viruses, this one is not.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
That's because it didn't come from a bat. It came from the biological laboratory they opened in 2015. Part of me thinks this was on purpose to let the sick die and take more control. So USA is in 20 Trillion dollars in debt to who. That's right the chicoms so if they forgive the debt then how does the nwo look. I bet Chinese are buying American companies right now devalued and cheap. Something about the 5g technology going up everywhere scares me.
Let them.

Then we nationalize them back.

Problem solved.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Sorry, but EVERYTHING came from the Creation. Please explain to my where Covid-19 came from, because we all "know" it couldn't have evolved or mutated. It had to have been there from the time of Creation.
At creation, a perfect world. No death, no disease.
Chose not to obey God, death entered the world.

They aren't clear on the origin of the China Virus yet are they? But it spread like all virus' do. Our failure to be responsible to practice good hygiene, to exercise sexual discipline, to care for one's body to build up resistance, etc .
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Tell me why I'm wrong.
Nothing in the Bible states that all things were created in the genesis of our world. Life, however, was. How that life continues to express itself through variables (evolution, etc.) still traces itself back to that moment.

And, on a side note, nothing in the Bible claims inerrancy for itself.