President Trump


Fight the power.
I agree, Drumpf is marinated horse hockey.


Well-Known Member
so if I decide to accuse you of a crime and have the newspapers run with the story every day then you should just shut up and take it? what a bunch of marinated horse hockey that is.

I guess you forgot the Obama Presidency.

So many crocodile tears from the Snowflake Trumpatistas.

Let me see if I get this straight...

There's a President, his opponents accuse him of various unfounded things, it plays out forever and ever.

The President's supporters cry foul, to no avail.

In the end, nothing happens, but the angry President haters are happy.

Sound familiar?


Nine Lives
I guess you forgot the Obama Presidency.

So many crocodile tears from the Snowflake Trumpatistas.

Let me see if I get this straight...

There's a President, his opponents accuse him of various unfounded things, it plays out forever and ever.

The President's supporters cry foul, to no avail.

In the end, nothing happens, but the angry President haters are happy.

Sound familiar?
It was much more effective with Obama after the first two years ... not much got done that the Prez wanted.
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Well-Known Member
It was much more effective with Obama after the first two years ... not much got done that the Prez reported.

I just don't care about the current 'not fair' folks who spent eight years pissing on Obama.

Whatever you think about Obama, it's 'rich' for the Trumpaloompas to cry foul.


Too late, bitches.