President Trump


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Am I supposed to believe you pay for a subscription to The Wall Street Journal?
Do you not read past the headlines? Or were you just too embarrassed to post a link to the garbage site you actually get your news from?
I have a subscription, so I'll let him know that the government "proposes to cut the department’s overall funding for training and employment services by $1.27 billion."


Well-Known Member
Trump's personal lawyer just lawyered up.

Katy Tur:Trump personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has hired his own counsel: Stephen Ryan, of McDermott, Will & Emery.



Well-Known Member
From polls that have been widely inaccurate?

Rasmussen was the second most accurate election poll. Only Investors Business Daily poll was more accurate. Fivethirtyeight blew it badly.
It's a frigging aggregate of polls. You'd think think your average idiot could see that. You can even alter the input. It's math.

I must say, you never disappoint.


nowhere special
It's a frigging aggregate of polls. You'd think think your average idiot could see that. You can even alter the input. It's math.

I must say, you never disappoint.

Garbage in garbage out.

Aggregate of bad polling give a garbage answer.

In the election they tried to claim the few accurate polls were outliers but the election showed the majority were wrong. The same bad polls that the aggregate is using.

Even you should be able to understand. Its not rocket science.