President Trump


Well-Known Member
Those polls were wrong.

you have to wonder if the MSM is trying to help the democratic cause by skewing the polls. This morning showed the republican with a .1 percent lead.
was that cooked to motivate the dems to turn out and vote?
meanwhile the Rasmussen which was accurate last year shows trump with a 50 percent approval rating.
if trump was really at a 36 this election would have easily gone the other way.


Inordinately Right
you have to wonder if the MSM is trying to help the democratic cause by skewing the polls. This morning showed the republican with a .1 percent lead.
was that cooked to motivate the dems to turn out and vote?
meanwhile the Rasmussen which was accurate last year shows trump with a 50 percent approval rating.
if trump was really at a 36 this election would have easily gone the other way.
Why do republicans have a fundamental need to feel persecuted.


Well-Known Member
You win some, you lose some....but you try and try and try again and again. Obama didn't even lift a finger!! (except maybe to SHHH the gallery while he was putting.)

kmart's trying to troll us. Boeing for instance is in constant flux with their workforce laying people off and hiring them as they get and complete contracts.


Well-Known Member
when you have Trumps money you can drive on all the greens you want.
His alleged money. Still a real dick move.

must have been how the Russians got Hillary to give away all of our uranium.

Oh I'm sorry you probably wanted me to look for the fabled pink unicorn instead of reality.
For someone who proclaims his intellectual superiority, you sure are misinformed. Or maybe you lie on purpose?