Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I never thought Id see the day that americans(sic) cheer on communism over their own nation. I do find relief though in knowing that if communism every does happen to come to America, they would be the first to suffer and die under it. American patriots are survivalists; hunters, farmers etc. Commies are moochers and cant survive without hand-me-outs that they call "community welfare"... beggars begging beggars for things neither of them have lol
Lol, your issue is that you keep crying about communism where there is none!
When a feeble mind is told day in and day out by Faux news, OAN, Rush "The Addict" et al that the other side is all communists and that feeble mind has no ability to critically evaluate the information then that person sees communism everywhere!
Might I suggest you change the channel at least once a month?