President Trump


Just a turd


Nine Lives
Mika said Trump was mentally ill yesterday and so Trump tweeted that Psycho Joe and Bleeding Mika came by 3 times trying to see him on NYE.

Just the usual tit-for-tat between the MSM and Trump.
Mika fesses up on having a chin tuck (no turkey neck for Mika).
Joe didn't say anything about his dementia ... although he displayed symptoms.


Staff member
that's the liberal way , start a fight then play the victim when you get your ass kicked.
I agree...but Trump started the fight. Can't believe that cry baby Huckabee at the podium and her silly God talk. Send her back to teach Sunday school.


Well-Known Member
I agree...but Trump started the fight. Can't believe that cry baby Huckabee at the podium and her silly God talk. Send her back to teach Sunday school.

joe and mika have been blatantly disrespecting Trump for months. I'm shocked he waited this long to finally respond.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
not sure why anyone is surprised at trumps tweets and his insults. He has been doing it for a year and a half now. It won him the election, so he is doing something right. Mainstream isnt going to report on anything good he is doing anywaýs. I say keep tweeting away.