President Trump


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The Confederates were not Americans at the time they seceded. They hated America. The Conservative south lost the war to the liberal north. The Southern states wanted to keep slavery going. The southern states are still bitter about losing the war.

Yeah you pretty much covered the whole Civil War from a historical synopsis.

Missing a few details...

Question: What event started the American Civil War?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yeah you pretty much covered the whole Civil War from a historical synopsis.

Missing a few details...

Question: What event started the American Civil War?
Trumps ancestors beating blacks senseless before they got off the boat? Thus breaking the land law.
No wait...Fort Sumter was bombarded by the wait...doesn't matter, the North evacuated the Fort.
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In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Trumps ancestors beating blacks senseless before they got off the boat? Thus breaking the land law.
No wait...Fort Sumter was bombarded by the wait...doesn't matter, the North evacuated the Fort.

The idiot terrorist Confederates invaded Ft. Sumter.

"Jack" they did not invade Fort Sumter they bombarded it....Funny trivia question: How many people died during the bombardment and the beginning of the Civil War at Fort Sumter?

Answer: None


Well-Known Member
The Confederates were not Americans at the time they seceded. They hated America. The Conservative south lost the war to the liberal north. The Southern states wanted to keep slavery going. The southern states are still bitter about losing the war.
You need to read up on geography. Anyone born on the North or South American continents is an American. Citizens of the United States, while specifically called Americans, do not have a monopoly on that designation. One can be a Canadian, Mexican, Honduran, Colombian, Brazilian, etc and still be an American. And as a southerner I assure you we don't spend time angry about losing the Civil War. And you need to realize a lot of southerners have moved north over the years looking for work and a lot of northerners have come south, especially retirees. And for work in places like Texas. The country has long since moved on. Why haven't you?
You need to read up on geography. Anyone born on the North or South American continents is an American. Citizens of the United States, while specifically called Americans, do not have a monopoly on that designation. One can be a Canadian, Mexican, Honduran, Colombian, Brazilian, etc and still be an American. And as a southerner I assure you we don't spend time angry about losing the Civil War. And you need to realize a lot of southerners have moved north over the years looking for work and a lot of northerners have come south, especially retirees. And for work in places like Texas. The country has long since moved on. Why haven't you?
You need to do your homework. Anyone born on the North American or South American continents are not all US Citizens. Canada is in N. America continent, theyre Canadians, not Americans. Brazil is in the South American continent, theyre not Americans. The Confederate states left the Union, therefore during the war they weren’t Americans. They beg to comeback.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Confederate states left the Union, therefore during the war they weren’t Americans.
The reason why Americans are called Americans has nothing to do with the Continents. It’s because we are called the United States of America! Hence Americans.
Since you're on a roll.. Does the Confederate States of America ring a bell? Hence Americans!


Well-Known Member
You need to do your homework. Anyone born on the North American or South American continents are not all US Citizens. Canada is in N. America continent, theyre Canadians, not Americans. Brazil is in the South American continent, theyre not Americans. The Confederate states left the Union, therefore during the war they weren’t Americans. They beg to comeback.
Nope, the continents are called North AMERICA and South AMERICA. Notice it's not called America, it's the United States OF America. OF. Our citizens are called Americans but aren't the only Americans. A Paraguayan is as much an American as you are, he's just not a citizen of the United States OF America.


Well-Known Member
Nope, the continents are called North AMERICA and South AMERICA. Notice it's not called America, it's the United States OF America. OF. Our citizens are called Americans but aren't the only Americans. A Paraguayan is as much an American as you are, he's just not a citizen of the United States OF America.
But is a Paraguayan a Murican, is the question?