In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
7.9% unemployment is the highest ever going into a National election.
This country can not solve the economic problems until we solve the pandemic problem. We can not just wish it away.
Following the 1918-1920 spanish flu pandemic the unemployment levels in the US were registering at deaths were at 650,000... percentage wise with our current population would be around 2,000,000 dead. There were riots in the streets and letter bombing by socialists...Europe was in worst shape after the first World War...
There were no vaccines or medical treatments available, they just let it play out..They wore masks also..This Covid-19 is now classified as airborne, the Spanish Flu was spread by droplets..Masks are a placebo at worst for this virus, but will help with the common flu or cold seasons..Currently this virus is mutating and is having less morality rates or has already done it's damage to those in the high risk categories..the therapeutics being developed are working, several vaccines are down the pipeline, months away or sooner...
The only candidate "wishing the virus away" is Biden..Trump has already faced the beast, Biden hasn't..Yet!
After the 1918 pandemic came the "Roaring 20's"...economically we really are in good shape despite of what the Democrats are spouting. We need to be because it will be payback time with China once this election is settled..Guaranteed and we will not be alone either....(That FACT by itself will put Trump back in office for another four years)....