President Trump


Staff member
the MSM beat the overwhelming number of 17 into us time and again. Your Obama intelligence folks quoted the same number numerous times in interviews. now we find out that information was not anywhere near truthful and you expect me to believe the few remaining agencies may be correct.

the main stream media is posting corrections and retractions everywhere , the Russian fairy tale is quickly unraveling. I no longer know if any of this is true.
we are one more retraction/correction away from a complete dismissal of this made up story.
Wrong. You never believed any of it true and are trying to use this error in reporting to throw the whole thing out. Nice try snowflake.


Staff member
the number didn't change by a slight margin it was a significant change. that means 4 agencies came to that conclusion and the other 13 did not . that does change the overall conclusion.
No. It probably means that the other 13 weren't involved in that investigation.


Staff member
sounds like you're having a snowflake dream.

So what did Coast Guard Intelligence find out when investigating the Russian involvement in the 2016 election?

The only sane reply would be, "What?! Why would the Coast Guard be investigating THAT?!"


Staff member
you never tried to argue against that number until it went against you.

Didn't pay any attention to it.

Still waiting to hear which agencies dissented from what the office of the DNI reported.

You don't have an answer for that, do you?


Staff member
come on you got to admitt these msm media junk is going overboard just a little bit.
But to buy what the right is selling, ya gotta buy into a "vast left-wing conspiracy" including the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Whats more likely? That or a narcissistic wannabe strong man trying to bully everyone around because that's what made him billions and landed him in the White House?