President Trump


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
But to buy what the right is selling, ya gotta buy into a "vast left-wing conspiracy" including the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Whats more likely? That or a narcissistic wannabe strong man trying to bully everyone around because that's what made him billions and landed him in the White House?
actually it easy to see that those agency can be corrupt. Look at the intelligence they can collect and how they get it. Part of me thinks they blackmailed obama


Well-Known Member
actually it easy to see that those agency can be corrupt. Look at the intelligence they can collect and how they get it. Part of me thinks they blackmailed obama
It's only corrupt in your eyes because it's Drumpf they are investigating. If it was Hillary you all would be chanting, lock her up, lock her up!


Well-Known Member
it is the argument that you liberals used against trump for the last six months. are you now conceding it was never a credible argument?

Nothing that's come out lately changes the fact that Trump is a 'snowflake'.

Keep playing, player, keep playing.


Staff member
Yeah. 3 not 17. Because why would Coast Guard Intelligence be probing it anyway?

It was ONLY the CIA, FBI, and NSA that reached this conclusion. No wonder Trump insists we can't be sure! Let's wait for Coast Guard Intelligence to way in.


Staff member
Wait! The DEA and the Department of State haven't investigated yet either. Not the Marines, Airforce, Army or Navy either.

I get that the sloppy reporting and lazy thinking of the press is on full display, but it's equally as lazy not to question behind the discrepancy.

So in putting forth it's findings the ODNI, the office that collects and disseminates intelligence from all other branches took the results in this case from the FBI, CIA, and the NSA. Yep. Lazy reporting. Sloppy editing.

I have yet to hear any one of the agencies retract their findings.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Wait! The DEA and the Department of State haven't investigated yet either. Not the Marines, Airforce, Army or Navy either.

I get that the sloppy reporting and lazy thinking of the press is on full display, but it's equally as lazy not to question behind the discrepancy.

So in putting forth it's findings the ODNI, the office that collects and disseminates intelligence from all other branches took the results in this case from the FBI, CIA, and the NSA. Yep. Lazy reporting. Sloppy editing.

I have yet to hear any one of the agencies retract their findings.
You're arguing with Newfie, facts don't matter. He has no principles, only support of dear leader and hate of liberals. He doesn't really care if Trump advances the agenda he campaigned on, he only cares if liberals are upset. He can't articulate an intellectual conservative viewpoint, there's no reason to engage him.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. 3 not 17. Because why would Coast Guard Intelligence be probing it anyway?

It was ONLY the CIA, FBI, and NSA that reached this conclusion. No wonder Trump insists we can't be sure! Let's wait for Coast Guard Intelligence to way in.

17 to 4 now 3 , this fairy tale is bleeding like a stuck pig

while you now cling to your 3 agencies I now have 14 that did not agree.


Well-Known Member
Wait! The DEA and the Department of State haven't investigated yet either. Not the Marines, Airforce, Army or Navy either.

I get that the sloppy reporting and lazy thinking of the press is on full display, but it's equally as lazy not to question behind the discrepancy.

So in putting forth it's findings the ODNI, the office that collects and disseminates intelligence from all other branches took the results in this case from the FBI, CIA, and the NSA. Yep. Lazy reporting. Sloppy editing.

I have yet to hear any one of the agencies retract their findings.

14 to 3 in my favor , you guys beat us silly with that fake news 17 agencies stories. now its 14 to 3 against your argument. that's the slaughter rule
