President Trump


Strength through joy
Trumps Spend $5 Million Less Than Obamas On White House Salaries

An analysis of White House salary data reveals that President Donald Trump’s administration is spending $5 million less of taxpayer money on his staff than his predecessor.

Trump employs 377 people at the White House, with a total of $35.8 million, while former President Barack Obama paid $40.9 million for 476 employees in 2015, according to data analyzed by Open The Books. (RELATED: White House Releases Employee Salaries)

Another key difference between the Obama and Trump White House is the first lady’s staff. Michelle Obama retained 24 staffers in the first year of the Obama White House. Melania Trump currently employs four — a chief of staff who is also listed as advisor to the president, a deputy chief of staff, a communications director, and a scheduler.


Well-Known Member
Your ruler ,the Queen doesn't need to do that, the media treats her with fawning admiration.
is she really? i thought the Prime minister was my ruler.

yea the media does that probably as propaganda so average people worship queens, billionaires, and other so called leaders. wouldnt want average joes to think of themselves as collective leaders!

im against all rulers: queens and my corporate capitalist rulers ;)


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
'Your worst nightmare: a successful Donald Trump presidency'

Sgy Michael Verardo, who lost an arm and a leg while serving with the US army in Afghanistan in 2010, says he was failed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). He had to wait 57 days to get his prosthetic leg fixed and three and a half years for adaptations to his home. But then came Donald Trump.

“Thank you, President Trump and [Veterans Affairs] Secretary [David] Shulkin for ensuring that we are not forgotten and that we will receive the care we need and deserve,” Verardo said at the White House recently.

Trump, signing an act to protect VA whistleblowers, revelled in the moment, using his fingers to mime a gun and mouthing his catchphrase “You’re fired!” at Shulkin. Then he smiled: “We will never use those words on you, that’s for sure.”

The audience in the East Room laughed dutifully. This is the parallel universe that Trump occupies whenever he can, a universe of achievements, applause and adoration, a safe space where he is monarch of all he surveys and his punchlines land. In his version of Washington, he is the Henry V-style man of action to Barack Obama’s indecisive, cripplingly intellectual Hamlet.


Well-Known Member
Reports are circulating (CNBC) that WH Chief of Staff Steve Bannon has stated that he wants to raise the income tax rate on incomes over $400k. Bannon is alleged to have stated he wants a rate with a 4 in front of it and this rate increase would go to offset middle and working class income tax rate cuts. If true, this will be interesting to watch.


Well-Known Member
Reports are circulating (CNBC) that WH Chief of Staff Steve Bannon has stated that he wants to raise the income tax rate on incomes over $400k. Bannon is alleged to have stated he wants a rate with a 4 in front of it and this rate increase would go to offset middle and working class income tax rate cuts. If true, this will be interesting to watch.

good tactic. the dems live off of scripted responses. as soon as the repubs talk tax cut the dems dust off the script for tax cuts for the rich.


Victory Ride


Staff member
That country needs a hello....
About 99% of the population are victims of the regime, it would be nice if we could take out Kim with a surgical strike and not too much collateral damage but that's just wishful thinking. I think at this point the tough talk is mainly a bluff to try and pressure the Chinese into doing something.


Victory Ride
About 99% of the population are victims of the regime, it would be nice if we could take out Kim with a surgical strike and not too much collateral damage but that's just wishful thinking. I think at this point the tough talk is mainly a bluff to try and pressure the Chinese into doing something.
I might be wrong .... but what I feel is that Kim is just the puppet is run by old generals etc