President Trump


Staff member
Kim to say the least is a detestable human being, that is without question. Thus a greater danger for those wanting to play on our emotional bias for other purposes.

In regards to NK's military capabilities, we are relying on information coming from a govt and media known to lie in order to advance military provocations as well as regime change for the purpose of economic and other geo-political reasons as opposed to actual necessity of actual defense of the nation.
I always take information with a grain of salt but: NK has nuclear weapons, that's a fact. NK is working on developing a ballistic missile capable of reaching the US, that's a fact.


Well-Known Member
I've learn to wait and see. Kim if anything is mostly shaking his K0ck at the world at the moment. I'd be far more worried if he wasn't saying a thing and keeping everything to himself.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is a matter of degree.
No thank you.
The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (COI), set up by the Human Rights Council (HRC), issued a report in 2014 documenting extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortion, and other sexual violence in North Korea. It concluded that the “gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.”

What exactly have we "done with China" and how do you see that working with NK?
With China we opened trade and they have gotten slightly better at their human rights abuses. They have a large growing middle class bringing millions out of poverty every year.
With NK if we really cared about their abuses we'd have invaded again already. We don't seem to care much, so the question becomes what ensures our security the best. The status quo doesn't appear to be doing that very well. We could try opening them up and spreading democracy through culture and trade. The current Kim might not be on board but you never know.


Staff member
With China we opened trade and they have gotten slightly better at their human rights abuses. They have a large growing middle class bringing millions out of poverty every year.
Our trade policies with China have exactly zero to do with either one of those things. I'm not sure why you think they are related. Instead of giving us any leverage over China's domestic policies our trade deficit with China is actually a growing problem for us:

China must buy so many U.S. Treasury notes that it is now the second-largest lender to the U.S. government. Japan is the largest. As of April 2017, the U.S. debt to China was $1.092 trillion. That's 27.9 percent of the total public debt owned by foreign countries. Many are concerned that this gives China political leverage over U.S. fiscal policy, since it could call in its loan.
(Source: "Major Foreign Holdings of Treasury Securities," U.S. Treasury.)
By buying Treasurys, China helped keep U.S. interest rates low. That helped fuel the U.S. housing boom, which lead to the subprime mortgage crisis. If China were to stop buying Treasurys, interest rates would rise. That could throw the United States and the world into recession. But this wouldn’t be in China's best interests, as U.S. shoppers would buy fewer Chinese exports. In fact, China is buying almost as many Treasurys as ever.
U.S. companies that can't compete with cheap Chinese goods must either lower their costs or go out of business. Many businesses reduce their costs by outsourcing jobs to China or India, which adds to U.S. unemployment. Other industries have just dried up. U.S. manufacturing, as measured by the number of jobs, declined 34 percent between 1998 and 2010.
As these industries declined, so has U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. (Source: "Employees by Industry," Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

With NK if we really cared about their abuses we'd have invaded again already. We don't seem to care much, so the question becomes what ensures our security the best. The status quo doesn't appear to be doing that very well. We could try opening them up and spreading democracy through culture and trade. The current Kim might not be on board but you never know.
Plenty of people care deeply about NK's human right abuses in addition to their nuclear program, the fact that we haven't done more up til now is largely because because of China.


Well-Known Member

Albeit not exclusive to their "Dear Leader" but regarding the Declaration of Independence, I will give those Trump followers credit for at least understanding what that document really is all about.

I think they have good cause to be concerned and upset that NPR would place such radical language before the people giving them ideas and potentially leading them to think or in this day, rethink!