President Trump


Well-Known Member
You keep bringing up the past and infer or directly say that Republicans want to return to the past. You give no credit for the progress that has been made. It's too easy to just beat people over the head with the racism stick. Frankly it's people like you who want to blame all their problems on Republicans instead of looking inward and dealing with problems of their own making that are furthering the racial divide in this country. The country has pretty much leveled the playing field and has made it possible for you to compete. Plenty of blacks are doing just that. But others don't want to compete, want everything given to them, and are now even saying competing is a white trait, among other things. I've never understood the reasoning when we see so many from Latin America, Asia, and Africa coming here and working their asses off and are successful. Stop your bitching and go to work. If a white man is screwing you over sue him in court. Make a stink. But stop the woe is me life is unfair I'm not white whining. Sheesh!
I am saying American history is nearly 80% preventing a lot of Americans from voting. That’s a fact. I am saying some Americans citizens have had the right to vote and then that right to vote was taken from them. That’s a fact. I am saying that what trump and republicans are doing is very much connected to that same history. Declaring “illegal” voting in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia and trying to get the citizens of those cities votes declared illegal and thrown out is connected to that same history.


Inordinately Right
I am saying American history is nearly 80% preventing a lot of Americans from voting. That’s a fact. I am saying some Americans citizens have had the right to vote and then that right to vote was taken from them. That’s a fact. I am saying that what trump and republicans are doing is very much connected to that same history. Declaring “illegal” voting in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia and trying to get the citizens of those cities votes declared illegal and thrown out is connected to that same history.
You sure do cry about racism a lot.
Grow up.


Well-Known Member
the consistent theme across all insane republican conspiracies is an all powerful left that controls almost every aspect of America by doing whatever they want. Over and over again.
Why can’t Puerto Rico be a state? because the all powerful left with their government handouts will control those Americans and make them vote for democrats, Why can’t 16 year olds vote, well see liberal teachers who are controlled by the all powerful left will brainwash them to vote for democrats

how did trump lose the election we’ll see the all powerful left rigged votes in like seven swing states, made those state legislators change the voting rules, and are controlling all these judges who won’t hear trump”s cases. Insane bs.
Rules were changed by others who aren't supposed to under the Constitution. And in all honesty even 18 year olds too often aren't mature enough to make wise voting decisions. In 1992 my 22 year old sister voted for Clinton because she thought he was handsome. She couldn't tell you anything about the issues.


Well-Known Member
I am saying American history is nearly 80% preventing a lot of Americans from voting. That’s a fact. I am saying some Americans citizens have had the right to vote and then that right to vote was taken from them. That’s a fact. I am saying that what trump and republicans are doing is very much connected to that same history. Declaring “illegal” voting in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia and trying to get the citizens of those cities votes declared illegal and thrown out is connected to that same history.
Much of what is claimed as voter suppression is never taken to court. Anyone can claim voter suppression. But what you saying is there shouldn't be an investigation of what went on in those cities. If it was legit the votes stay but if not they should be thrown out. But you hide under the cloak of racism to try and prevent an investigation.


Well-Known Member
Rules were changed by others who aren't supposed to under the Constitution. And in all honesty even 18 year olds too often aren't mature enough to make wise voting decisions. In 1992 my 22 year old sister voted for Clinton because she thought he was handsome. She couldn't tell you anything about the issues.
I know the all powerful left made them change the rules in a bunch of states, then the all powerful left stole the election by adding votes in a bunch of states, and that same all powerful left controls all the judges that threw out trump’s cases.
Again the theme is the same, friend the specifics look at the level of control and power it would take to pull it off, and for republicans the left is nearly all powerful and can do anything. They believe insane conspiracies.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Much of what is claimed as voter suppression is never taken to court. Anyone can claim voter suppression. But what you saying is there shouldn't be an investigation of what went on in those cities. If it was legit the votes stay but if not they should be thrown out. But you hide under the cloak of racism to try and prevent an investigation.
What are the Trumpists waiting for? Why haven’t they been doing these investigations you’re calling for?


Well-Known Member
Much of what is claimed as voter suppression is never taken to court. Anyone can claim voter suppression. But what you saying is there shouldn't be an investigation of what went on in those cities. If it was legit the votes stay but if not they should be thrown out. But you hide under the cloak of racism to try and prevent an investigation.
my post doesn’t mention voter suppression once and isn’t about voter suppression in terms of changing voter registration laws smh.


Well-Known Member
I know the all powerful left made them change the rules in a bunch of states, then the all powerful left stole the election by adding votes in a bunch of states, and that same all powerful left controls all the judges that threw out trump’s cases.
Again the theme is the same, friend the specifics look at the level of control and power it would take to pull it off, and for republicans the left is nearly all powerful and can do anything. They believe insane conspiracies.
So if we point out that judges and election officials making last second rules changes isn't constitutional that somehow adds up to a conspiracy? We have to just take whatever is done as ok, no problem here?


Well-Known Member
while trump and the republican party trying to get legally cast votes against trump declared illegal and then thrown out in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit doesn’t scare them at all.
You fail to understand, we want to assure the votes were legally and lawfully cast.

Your side will not define what we want or why we want it.
If your side prevails in not addressing these allegations, supported by evidence, this country will have an illegitimate president.

Your side can't see the forest for the trees, proceed at the peril of this country.

I saw someone call you a canuck, if you are mind your business.


Well-Known Member
You fail to understand, we want to assure the votes were legally and lawfully cast.

Your side will not define what we want or why we want it.
If your side prevails in not addressing these allegations, supported by evidence, this country will have an illegitimate president.

Your side can't see the forest for the trees, proceed at the peril of this country.

I saw someone call you a canuck, if you are mind your business.
There is no evidence, only unsubstantiated allegations.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence, only unsubstantiated allegations.
I know what it takes to get a civil action heard and I know what a dismissal requires.

I am on the record, no court wants this, whether they fear the left burning down the country or because they don't want Trump.

Neither matters, the left has changed this country.
If, and or when your dessert is served , open your mouth and eat it.
It will be like no dessert you have ordered.

Ichabod if this is not resolved, lawfully.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence, only unsubstantiated allegations.
Do you deny this?

State Democrats sought a three-day extension for mail-in ballots, making valid all ballots postmarked by November 3 and received by November 6 at 5:00 p.m.

The case was submitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on September 8. According to, “five judges on the court were elected in partisan elections as Democrats, one judge was elected as a Republican, and one judge was appointed by a Democratic governor.”

On September 18 a decision was handed down by the state high court. The 4-3 decision overruled the requirement for mail-in ballots to be received by Election Day – allowing them to be received up to three full days later.

The decision trampled the bipartisan legislation the Pennsylvania General Assembly enacted just one year earlier according to their constitutional prerogative to enact statutes.

In addition to allowing for the mail ballot extension, the Keystone State’s high court nearly bastardized the need for a postmark, ruling that ballots “received within this period that lack a postmark or other proof of mailing, or for which the postmark or other proof of mailing is illegible, will be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day unless a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it was mailed after Election Day.”

Pennsylvania Republicans countered by filing a writ of certiorari (request for the court to review) with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), seeking to restrain the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision.



Well-Known Member
Which is it? There’s tons of evidence or the courts have denied access for proper investigations to gather the evidence?
Stick to putting your drivers on the road, it is clear you are out of your lane.

If anyone wants to stick up for the fair damsel, I'm sure she will associate you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
There is no evidence, only substantial circumstantial evidence.