President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You’re the mathematician, but isn’t that close to $50 a pound?

I don’t begrudge a man a good piece of meat, but I do have to wonder if the good senator paid for that himself or if it was “gifted”?
$40 - $50 a pound ... about what one pays at Longhorn or Ruth Chris's.
I know I have paid more and that's partly the reason I eat a steak about once a year.
I eat hamburger mostly when it comes to beef or cow.

It wouldn't surprise me if it were gifted as long as a single instance did not go over the legal limit for a Senator /Congressman.

Every Senator /Congressman get taken out for lunch or dinner at least once a week and those bills would probably buy 10 of those tenderloins.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was probably in 4th grade being told SS wouldn't be around for long. We were also told we would all be driving jet space cars like the Jetsons by now.
I see guys in a straight panic all the time over stuff like this. They say social security won’t be here , our pensions won’t be here and flip out. I said keep it up and your future heart attack will negate all that.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I see guys in a straight panic all the time over stuff like this. They say social security won’t be here , our pensions won’t be here and flip out. I said keep it up and your future heart attack will negate all that.
I always thought it was a good idea to assume SS will be gone and plan accordingly. Treat it like a bonus if you get it but don’t worry if something goes wrong.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I always thought it was a good idea to assume SS will be gone and plan accordingly. Treat it like a bonus if you get it but don’t worry if something goes wrong.
There are several ways to make Social Security solvent for decades to come. Eliminate the cap on wages paid in and or lower the cost of living increases for starters. Means testing could help also. Why should millionaires be taking a handout from the government while poor widows have to eat cat food?


I'm a star

Is this the justification they're using for having stolen the election?


Well-Known Member
So if we point out that judges and election officials making last second rules changes isn't constitutional that somehow adds up to a conspiracy? We have to just take whatever is done as ok, no problem here?
Lol again that’s an interesting legal case for lawyers who care about election rules, but the remedy to that issue isn’t going to change the election outcome. They never allege voter fraud in court understand this. They are not saying these votes were illegal. So that means the central reality that Biden got more votes than trump in those states is unchanged. These lawsuits don’t touch that reality. So they can’t help trump. Biden got more votes in those states and he got more than 7million votes than trump. Over 53% of voters across two presidential elections didn’t vote for trump to be president. trump never received even 47% of the vote in either election. Over two elections his main opponents received 10million more total votes than trump.


Well-Known Member
You fail to understand, we want to assure the votes were legally and lawfully cast.

Your side will not define what we want or why we want it.
If your side prevails in not addressing these allegations, supported by evidence, this country will have an illegitimate president.

Your side can't see the forest for the trees, proceed at the peril of this country.

I saw someone call you a canuck, if you are mind your business.
No that’s not what’s being argued in court. That’s never been argued in court by trump’s lawyers not once. No one says these votes were illegal. That’s why these lawsuits can’t help trump win. Unless trump’s lawyers say in court that hey Biden got illegal votes. All trump’s lawyers are doing is arguing technicalities that don’t change the fact that Biden got more votes. So then they tacitly admit we are trying to throw out hundreds of thousands or millions of legally cast votes. That’s why all these cases get dismissed. Do you understand that?


Well-Known Member
you already mind friend them in college , now you want to get them in the cradle
Again I’m trying to get people to see the consistency of these conspiracy beliefs by republicans about American public life.
the left is all powerful and can do what it wants and it wants to destroy America.

anybody that knows anything about universities know that most colleges are small local or community colleges. Spread across so many states and areas that the idea the left controls your local college or even state college is fantasy bs that makes the left all powerful in a way that’s absurd. It’s like the idea that the left controls public education. Like there are so many schools and school districts in states and cities and probably millions of teachers and school administrators, the idea that left can get your local principals and local teachers to get you kid to vote for the democrats is insane.
Yet this is a common belief amongst republicans.


Well-Known Member
yes agreed they can in democratic run cities and they did .
Again, none of this makes sense, the supposed argument now are these late changes to election rules, so now democratic cities control whole state governments and state elections? Or are they back to alleging illegal votes? An argument trump’s lawyers never have made on court once. So why should we pretend to make an argument that trump’s own lawyers have never once made in court?


Well-Known Member
Again I’m trying to get people to see the consistency of these conspiracy beliefs by republicans about American public life.
the left is all powerful and can do what it wants and it wants to destroy America.

anybody that knows anything about universities know that most colleges are small local or community colleges. Spread across so many states and areas that the idea the left controls your local college or even state college is fantasy bs that makes the left all powerful in a way that’s absurd. It’s like the idea that the left controls public education. Like there are so many schools and school districts in states and cities and probably millions of teachers and school administrators, the idea that left can get your local principals and local teachers to get you kid to vote for the democrats is insane.
Yet this is a common belief amongst republicans.