President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
I have repeatedly posted how deeply dangerous and radical the lies of trump and the gop could be, now four people are dead based on trump’s obvious voter fraud lies and delusions. I also posted weeks ago in early November that all these bs claims of voter fraud were leading to republicans losing an election at the state or locally level and just declaring themselves the victory based on flimsy charges of voter fraud which are not substantive in anyway. Well that’s what republicans in Pennsylvania are trying to do right now.
This is all very dangerous and anti-democratic stuff from republicans.
What about the lying media that stirs up violence against police after a criminal killed or dies of health complications with multiple drugs in his system? They got cities looted and burned.


Well-Known Member
In terms of the differences between the anti- police violence rioters and the
election fraud rioters, I see a lot of differences but the main two I can articulate in a way that makes sense are the following.

difference one police violence exists in the reality based world. trump’s stolen elections fraud claims are bs lies that don’t exist in the reality based world.
So that means the anti-police violence rioters were caused by an actual issue that’s exists. While the trump voter fraud rioters were wallowing in a made up fantasy and bs in order to steal an election trump lost.
The anti-police rioters did not self identify as democrats, they didn’t have as their focus for rioting some democratic political leader that they identified as one of them.
the trump voter fraud rioters do self id as trump supporters, and do see trump as one of them and trump acknowledged that he sees today’s rioters as his supporters. These are hugely important differences.


Well-Known Member
What about the lying media that stirs up violence against police after a criminal killed or dies of health complications with multiple drugs in his system? They got cities looted and burned.
Police violence exists, people are in real life killed and hurt by police all the time. The fact that anyone is personally ok with the level of violence the police put on Americans, doesn’t change the fact that a lot of other people want to see less police violence against Americans and more accountability on violent police officers.


Well-Known Member
Trump's messages for everyone to go home were blocked by media censors.
They were only out there based on trump voter fraud lies and now four people are dead based on a complete fantasy. Don’t you see how bankrupt it is to be responsible for the death of four people based on your lies. trump and the gop are truly radical and dangerous.

El Correcto

god is dead
Police violence exists, people are in real life killed and hurt by police all the time. The fact that anyone is personally ok with the level of violence the police put on Americans, doesn’t change the fact that a lot of other people want to see less police violence against Americans and more accountability on violent police officers.
Okay but what about when the media lies and omits information to stir up controversy. Like when they reported Jacob Blake was just stopping to separate two women from fighting. His was at the house of a woman he tormented with sexual assault and she called the police on him.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I have repeatedly posted how deeply dangerous and radical the lies of trump and the gop could be, now four people are dead based on trump’s obvious voter fraud lies and delusions. I also posted weeks ago in early November that all these bs claims of voter fraud were leading to republicans losing an election at the state or locally level and just declaring themselves the victory based on flimsy charges of voter fraud which are not substantive in anyway. Well that’s what republicans in Pennsylvania are trying to do right now.
This is all very dangerous and anti-democratic stuff from republicans.

Okay but what about when the media lies and omits information to stir up controversy. Like when they reported Jacob Blake was just stopping to separate two women from fighting. His was at the house of a woman he tormented with sexual assault and she called the police on him.
People are responsible for their own actions. If they’re too stupid to think critically and too emotionally unstable to keep themselves from getting riled by the sensationalized news or the reckless tweetings of the president, then that’s their problem.

Everybody that puts themselves in these situations gets what they deserve.


Well-Known Member
So if changes were made that would enable fraud, and Republicans argue that those changes are unconstitutional, the Republicans are just being silly. Following the Constitution doesn't matter. We can just make changes to suit ourselves if we have the power. Got it.
Trump’s lawyers aren’t alleging voter in court. They aren’t saying anyone voted illegally. That’s why this case doesn’t help trump because it doesn’t change the fact that Biden got more votes in those states. I repeat they have never alleged illegal voting in court.


Well-Known Member
People are responsible for their own actions. If they’re too stupid to think critically and too emotionally unstable to keep themselves from getting riled by the sensationalized news or the reckless tweetings of the president, then that’s their problem.

Everybody that puts themselves in these situations gets what they deserve.
This is nonsense. Police violence exists, and police violence on its own terribleness terms upsets a lot of people.
The president lying about a stolen election will directly lead to violence because the president is a political leader and when political leaders tell their supporters, some group of people stole the election, at some point the only remedy is violence.

El Correcto

god is dead
People are responsible for their own actions. If they’re too stupid to think critically and too emotionally unstable to keep themselves from getting riled by the sensationalized news or the reckless tweetings of the president, then that’s their problem.

Everybody that puts themselves in these situations gets what they deserve.
The argument is about people in authority abusing their station to spread lies and the consequences of those lies.

I’m being nice and conceding that Trump has done something similar, which he hasn’t. No where near the level of the media’s lies and the resulting social fall out from them.


Well-Known Member
Trump’s lawyers aren’t alleging voter in court. They aren’t saying anyone voted illegally. That’s why this case doesn’t help trump because it doesn’t change the fact that Biden got more votes in those states. I repeat they have never alleged illegal voting in court.
And I repeat they were never given a chance to show evidence of fraud. What they alleged in court was rules were changed improperly that could encourage fraud. But courts wouldn't give these allegations a chance.


Well-Known Member
The argument is about people in authority abusing their station to spread lies and the consequences of those lies.

I’m being nice and conceding that Trump has done something similar, which he hasn’t. No where near the level of the media’s lies and the resulting social fall out from them.
Except police violence exists, those people were really killed and or physically hurt by police. The fact that some people are ok with this level of police violence doesn’t mean others don’t want less police violence and more accountability for police violence. The media is irrelevant to any of that stuff. Again protestors aren’t like I’m out here because of cnn, or msnbc, or the nytimes, they don’t identify the media as inspiring them to protest police violence.

the trump voter fraud rioters self identified with trump, there are no mental gymnastics one has to do to connect them with trump and his voter fraud stolen election lies. They say they are out there because of trump and to support trump. They say they believe trump’s lies about a stolen election. So those lies told by trump were the reason those people were out there, they are the reason they rioted and they are the reason 4 people are dead.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
This is nonsense. Police violence exists, and police violence on its own terribleness terms upsets a lot of people.
The president lying about a stolen election will directly lead to violence because the president is a political leader and when political leaders tell their supporters, some group of people stole the election, at some point the only remedy is violence.
Police violence exists because we live in a country that glorifies violence and violent criminals.

The argument is about people in authority abusing their station to spread lies and the consequences of those lies.

I’m being nice and conceding that Trump has done something similar, which he hasn’t. No where near the level of the media’s lies and the resulting social fall out from them.

I think of the root cause going a layer deeper. All part of a shallow, reactive, instant gratification society. Media and Trump have an audience because Americans are stupid.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if Trump will reconsider running in 2024 after all that has happened? Not sure he'd get the nomination at this point. No, not turning on him, but a lot of people were shocked today and may distance themselves.


Well-Known Member
Police violence exists because we live in a country that glorifies violence and violent criminals.

I think of the root cause going a layer deeper. All part of a shallow, reactive, instant gratification society. Media and Trump have an audience because Americans are stupid.
I don’t care why you believe police violence exists, the key thing is that it exists in the real world, once that is acknowledged then the reality instantly becomes a lot of Americans are going to be opposed to the state killing Americans, physically hurting Americans, treating Americans with disrespect basically with very few consequences for that behavior. In other words a lot of people will strongly be against police violence because it’s a thing that exists that they think is bad. The media has zero to do with that.
But trump’s stolen voter fraud elections lies are directly from trump. The people who believe those lies believe trump the potus, the people who came out and rioted did so in trump’s name directly. There is no need to speculate what inspired them, they are directly telling us it’s trump and his stolen voter fraud election lies, that means 4 people lost their lives directly because of trump’s lies. What a despicable human being trump is.


Inordinately Right
4 people lost their lives directly because of trump’s lies. What a despicable human being trump is.

Four people lost their lives from emergency medical conditions unrelated to any crime.

One unarmed person lost her life because she was allegedly shot by police. But she's white so you don't care because that doesn't fit your racist worldview.