President Trump


Staff member
And another thing, it was Democrat policies enacted in the 60's that has everything effed up today. Entitlement spending is killing us. About the only thing we can hope for that'll help would be a much improved economy. W. screwed that up getting us into two long protracted wars not to mention greed in the real estate market which really killed us. And then Obama doubled down on the spending and we're up to our necks in debt. And yet y'all expect somehow Trump will immediately fix everything or else he's a lying fraud. Really?
All that mess and the solution is...wait for it...CUT TAXES! (Who care that it isn't working in Kansas.)


Well-Known Member
That's not where the problems originate.
Used to be that manual labor in this country was valued. High school education could get a guy a great job, health insurance, pension.

Get rid of trade deals and none of that comes back.
Used to be the U.S. was the only economic power left standing at the end of the worst war in history. We not only had huge growth in this country but supplied the world with just about everything from our factories. Management greed, union greed happened. Jobs were lost to people overseas who'd work for next to nothing because they had nothing. We became a service economy. Service jobs don't pay like manufacturing because you aren't adding value to raw goods creating products. Sure plenty of people in this country make decent money. Plenty no longer have the avenues they had before to make decent money. So we have people with futures and we have wage slaves. Access to drugs are killing many in despair. And yet all of this is laid at the feet of one man. With many special interest groups determined to keep him from accomplishing anything because there's money to be made from a deeply divided electorate. Good luck with all of this. Many here claim to have all the answers yet nothing is fixed.


Well-Known Member
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear of wasteful spending?
Just as much if not more wasted in the war on poverty. Trillions. A lot of waste, under the table graft to go around. Yet the liberal media only reports military waste. Cronkite was good at that. But I was talking about Illinois and the near bankruptcy situation they're in.


Well-Known Member
Just as much if not more wasted in the war on poverty. Trillions. A lot of waste, under the table graft to go around. Yet the liberal media only reports military waste. Cronkite was good at that. But I was talking about Illinois and the near bankruptcy situation they're in.

They are beyond bankruptcy.


Bad Moon Risen'
Just as much if not more wasted in the war on poverty. Trillions. A lot of waste, under the table graft to go around. Yet the liberal media only reports military waste. Cronkite was good at that. But I was talking about Illinois and the near bankruptcy situation they're in.
Don't forget about the billions wasted on the war on drugs along with the never ending corporate welfare.