President Trump


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Why does it matter?

Are you complaining that Redstate, Fox, and Breitbart are seen by many as foolish, factless hit journalistic hit squads? Isn't that how you see ABC, CNN, and the New York Times?
It matters because the majority of the Press is clearly in the tank for one party. When you start talking fairness and how your party's leader is treated by the media it's disingenuous to suggest the media treats both parties equally. In terms of media it's like comparing a Rottweiller with a Bulldog. Or maybe even a Chihuahua.


Staff member
It matters because the majority of the Press is clearly in the tank for one party. When you start talking fairness and how your party's leader is treated by the media it's did to suggest the media treats both parties equally. In terms of media it's like comparing a Rottweiller with a Bulldog. Or maybe even a Chihuahua.
Have you spent your entire life as a victim?


Staff member
And if it's legal they're correct in pointing it out.
Don't you get it yet? The problems this country faces aren't outside its borders. They are inside and born of greed and shady deals. Of tortured interpretations of law and dubious lawmakers taking bribes (campaign contributions) and high priced lawyers pushing the envelope. And what do we get for it? $12 jobs and propaganda and all of it culminating in a president who openly flaunts it and get 35% of the public adoring him for it. We'll have at it.


Nine Lives
Don't you get it yet? The problems this country faces aren't outside its borders. They are inside and born of greed and shady deals. Of tortured interpretations of law and dubious lawmakers taking bribes (campaign contributions) and high priced lawyers pushing the envelope. And what do we get for it? $12 jobs and propaganda and all of it culminating in a president who openly flaunts it and get 35% of the public adoring him for it. We'll have at it.
Just like it was under Obama ... some things remain the same.


Well-Known Member
Don't you get it yet? The problems this country faces aren't outside its borders. They are inside and born of greed and shady deals. Of tortured interpretations of law and dubious lawmakers taking bribes (campaign contributions) and high priced lawyers pushing the envelope. And what do we get for it? $12 jobs and propaganda and all of it culminating in a president who openly flaunts it and get 35% of the public adoring him for it. We'll have at it.
Obama like others before him pushed for open borders and globalization. That's what has gotten us to this point. But y'all want to lay everything at Trump's feet. He's the one who pulled out of the TPP. He's the one talking renegotiating NAFTA. Didn't hear any of that before.


Well-Known Member
Yep. But Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania promising it would be different. It's the same and it's amplified.
Are you expecting him to wave a magic wand and it'll all be corrected? Took decades to get us here but somehow he's a fraud if it wasn't fixed in his first 100 days? Between a howling Press, bureaucrats undermining him, and Congressmen more worried about their jobs than doing what's necessary to correct serious problems how do you possibly think he can fix all this with a stroke of a pen?


Staff member
Obama like others before him pushed for open borders and globalization. That's what has gotten us to this point. But y'all want to lay everything at Trump's feet. He's the one who pulled out of the TPP. He's the one talking renegotiating NAFTA. Didn't hear any of that before.
That's not where the problems originate.
Used to be that manual labor in this country was valued. High school education could get a guy a great job, health insurance, pension.

Get rid of trade deals and none of that comes back.


Staff member
Are you expecting him to wave a magic wand and it'll all be corrected? Took decades to get us here but somehow he's a fraud if it wasn't fixed in his first 100 days? Between a howling Press, bureaucrats undermining him, and Congressmen more worried about their jobs than doing what's necessary to correct serious problems how do you possibly think he can fix all this with a stroke of a pen?
That's the position of president. That's what he ran for. That's what he won. Sucks to be him.


Staff member
Are you expecting him to wave a magic wand and it'll all be corrected? Took decades to get us here but somehow he's a fraud if it wasn't fixed in his first 100 days? Between a howling Press, bureaucrats undermining him, and Congressmen more worried about their jobs than doing what's necessary to correct serious problems how do you possibly think he can fix all this with a stroke of a pen?
He's a fraud because everything he's throwing his weight behind is that "trickle down, slash taxes and all will be well" BS.


Well-Known Member
Are you expecting him to wave a magic wand and it'll all be corrected? Took decades to get us here but somehow he's a fraud if it wasn't fixed in his first 100 days? Between a howling Press, bureaucrats undermining him, and Congressmen more worried about their jobs than doing what's necessary to correct serious problems how do you possibly think he can fix all this with a stroke of a pen?
And another thing, it was Democrat policies enacted in the 60's that has everything effed up today. Entitlement spending is killing us. About the only thing we can hope for that'll help would be a much improved economy. W. screwed that up getting us into two long protracted wars not to mention greed in the real estate market which really killed us. And then Obama doubled down on the spending and we're up to our necks in debt. And yet y'all expect somehow Trump will immediately fix everything or else he's a lying fraud. Really?