President Trump


Well-Known Member
It's clearly unethical, but the republicans that should be in charge of oversight are willing to overlook anything for tax cuts for the wealthy.

not unethical at all. admirable in fact that a top executive for one of the largest real estate companies in the country would volunteer her time and efforts pro bono. were there any advisors to Obama who worked for free?


Well-Known Member
Fake headline. Merkel just said it's up to the delegation to decide who sits in. She didn't defend the nepotism that placed Ivanka in the delegation.

It will be a whine,
that's exactly what I posted . there was nothing in the headline about nepotism. (Hillary) don't know why you feel you have to argue for arguments sake.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It will be a whine,
that's exactly what I posted . there was nothing in the headline about nepotism. (Hillary) don't know why you feel you have to argue for arguments sake.
You don't understand the problem, or as is more likely, you are choosing to ignore the problem. The problem is Ivanka being there in the first place. She is there due to nepotism. She is not the nation's most qualified individual to be in that role. She's not in the nation's top 1000 people to be in that role. She's there because her daddy put her there. You posted a link with a misleading headline that says Merkel was defending her being there. Merkel was being diplomatic and stating that a delegation can put whoever they want there. She made no claim to Ivanka's competence or effectiveness. The problem is nepotism. Our foreign policy should be crafted by qualified people, not the boss' daughter.


Well-Known Member
You don't understand the problem, .

I understood that the title was not misleading as you claimed. your accusation of such was the only fake news.

I also understood that nepotism was not an issue when it was bill putting Hillary in charge of our health care overhaul only now is it an issue.
I understood that nepotism was not a concern to you when it was the kennedys.
in fact this country has a history of nepotism

only now has it become a concern.

keep whining.


Well-Known Member
use a bucket and bail it out , let someone with a brain drive it next time.