President Trump


Well-Known Member
I think it's a bit more than a rumor when it comes out of Jr.'s mouth.

another breathless accusation against the trumps that will quietly dissolve into a tasty nothingburger.



Well-Known Member
nope he's standing next to biggest economies, China/Germany

well shoot that settles it then he's almost as powerful as the two he's standing next to. Unless your argument is that he is sucking the power from those two by standing next to them.

where are exactly are we going with this asinine argument?


Well-Known Member
You don't understand the problem, or as is more likely, you are choosing to ignore the problem. The problem is Ivanka being there in the first place. She is there due to nepotism. She is not the nation's most qualified individual to be in that role. She's not in the nation's top 1000 people to be in that role. She's there because her daddy put her there. You posted a link with a misleading headline that says Merkel was defending her being there. Merkel was being diplomatic and stating that a delegation can put whoever they want there. She made no claim to Ivanka's competence or effectiveness. The problem is nepotism. Our foreign policy should be crafted by qualified people, not the boss' daughter.

So in the end after all this liberal hysteria it appears that Per Merkel its perfectly normal for a member of the delegation to stand in for the president and per wapo your favorite liberal news source she sat in on a womans forum which you would think she is possibly qualified to represent her father on.

"A White House official said that the topic of conversation at that point in the meeting had shifted into one area of focus for Ivanka Trump: supporting female entrepreneurs in Africa."