President Trump


Well-Known Member
Maybe if Donald (jr and sr) would shut their pie-holes and delete their twitter accounts, they'd get away with it too.

they have to do something first to try to get away with it. This investigation is at a point where trump putting Russian dressing on his salad brings a charge of collusion


Well-Known Member
If what you say is true, republicans would do well to dispatch with the boat anchor tied around their necks that is this administration. They really aren't getting anything done that is going to resonate with most people.

that's an interesting thought , you liberals keep coming after the mainstream thinking president while the guy that would replace him is much more conservative


Nine Lives
I'd have to respond in a much too lengthy post to adequately explain the differences between what Trump has allegedly done and The Steele Dossier, let alone the other examples Parry has rightly pointed out, but this current situation is unlike the others. Nixon and Reagan come the closest, but the Steele Dossier doesn't even approach near that level.

Politicians are politicians. Donald Trump is not a politician. He's worse.

Yes, there are things worse than politicians. ;)
You mean MSM News?
I'll go with that but these two are on the bottom.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The question is who will the electorate blame ... the Dims or the right-wing Republicans?
Democrats are done and have no answers for anything. People dont want obamacare, only people who want it are those on medicad, thats the whole problem.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
you think the liberal media is going to go out and find people who dont like obamacare or poll people who dont like it. They are not going to do that. There is a war going on in washington.


Staff member
Democrats are done and have no answers for anything. People dont want obamacare, only people who want it are those on medicad, thats the whole problem.
Actually if the right wing doesn't hurry up, some charismatic lefty is going to walk in, push single-payer and win big.

First they'll repeal the provision that any company no matter its size has to provide health care. Chamber of Commerce will be all over endorsing that and conservatives will be falling over themselves to endorse such a plan.