President Trump


Well-Known Member
poor kids being forced to cheer trump so loudly . Or maybe Kmarts point was those kids were too stupid to know what they were cheering?



Well-Known Member
you act like you're the appointed scout spokesman, I was one too , very politically aware and would have been thrilled to hear the president speak.

while you're trying to put words in their mouths the loud cheering at the event tells us exactly what the scouts thought.

I guess our scouts down south weren't the @$$ kissers you were.


Well-Known Member
One way to get PR is using a captive audience of kids.

your girl Hillary would have had a much quieter crowd.

I don't remember you protesting this silly stuff with Obama, guess we're seeing where you really stand.
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Well-Known Member
I don't remember you protesting this silly stuff with Obama, guess we're seeing where you really stand.

Interesting admission as Obama gave his address to the scouts in 2010' but your details show you joined BC in 2015'.

As for Obama's speech to the scouts, same applies to him as it does to Trump and as well to Bush in 2005'. Those speeches were targeted to the parents and even grandparents as an emotional play for votes and public support to boost poll numbers. Pure PR.


Well-Known Member
Interesting admission as Obama gave his address to the scouts in 2010' but your details show you joined BC in 2015'.

As for Obama's speech to the scouts, same applies to him as it does to Trump and as well to Bush in 2005'. Those speeches were targeted to the parents and even grandparents as an emotional play for votes and public support to boost poll numbers. Pure PR.

sounds like a dance to hide your loyal support of the democrats.